Chapter 4 - Girl Talk

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// Oops! Published it a little too early! 

We were sitting in the pool of the waterfall, enjoying the sun while it was slowly starting to go down. I noticed that Sapphire was actually quite quiet for the past five minutes, ever since we came back here to cool ourselves down, she was just giving me the silent treatment. Finally, she began to say something completely unexpected to me, while staring at the bright blue sky.

"I love it so much here. Me and my ex-girlfriend were sitting in this exact spot, just talking to each other about our future." she said, before she looked down at the water. We were wearing some suitable t-shirts, along with some shorts. "What happened to her, if you mind me asking?" I asked her. 

"We were both very stupid as we were both new to hunting vampires. We thought it was okay to skinny dip in this waterfall out in the night time. We didn't have any stakes or knives with us as it was kind of a date and we didn't want anyone to interrupt us..." she then stopped in the middle of her explanation, a tear dropped into the water of nature itself. 

"You don't have to explain the rest. I know from your feelings...-"

"No, no. It's alright. We were right under that waterfall," she began to tell me again, pointing at the waterfall which was actually quite massive close up. "As I was saying...we were under a waterfall when all of a sudden, there was some hissing from what it sounded like a mile away; but I was wrong as I turned to look at my girlfriend, but she wasn't there anymore. She was taken away from me." she finished explaining before she began to break down, a small river of tears flowing out of her eyes.

I wasted no time into wrapping my arms around her, giving her a hug. "Did it happen recently?" I asked her in her ear. She nodded as her reply. Damn...

"I am so sorry, Sapphire. I really am..." I told her softly. 

"It happened just a few weeks ago. I don't know where she was taken...probably to be slaved or tortured. Or much much worse than that. Making her one of them." Sapphire sobbed into my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me. "I never felt so alone until you came along. So thank you..."

"No need to thank me, Sapphire. I understand, even though I never had a relationship." I assured her before she began to laugh a little. Then, she pulled away from the hug as she wiped her tears away. She then turned to look up at the sky again, which was now a light orange as the sun started to set. 

"Her name was Amber." she said, wiping her eyes some more. "Do you think she is alive?" I asked her. Hopefully that doesn't start her off again...

"Not a single chance. I have to be strong for myself." she answered before she let out a deep sigh, relaxing her shoulders a little. "Happy birthday, Emilia. I am sorry for breaking down like that." she apologised. 

I turned my head to stare at her for a few seconds before I looked up at the sky, watching the sun begin to set. And it was beautiful. 

I hope Amber was alive...somewhere. 

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