Chapter 11 - Mind Control Begone

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Emilia's POV

I was about to go on another mission of running away from the crazy castle, only to be stopped by Amber, who asked me to come back inside. Just when I was going to tell her that I wasn't going to go back in, a red light began to show through the dark grey clouds. Oh no. It was too dangerous to now stay outside and even MORE dangerous to go inside. I looked up at the window again, before seeing Sage staring down at me. Her eyes were no longer glowing, does this mean that she was out of it again? 

"Let me help you back up!" she said loud enough for me to hear her, before she offered her hand to me. I had no other choice other than to accept her help. I took few large steps backwards, before I gave myself a boost and ran to the brick wall, putting my right foot against a gap, boosting myself up once more. I grabbed her hand as she started to lift me up, helping me through the window again. "Thank you..." I started to say to her before she suddenly wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a large hug.

"Where's your crazy girlfriend to?" I asked her. "She isn't...well. She is currently my girlfriend thanks to her mind control. But I am back, Em. I am me again!" she replied in a happy, relieved tone. I pulled away from the hug before I started to have a bad feeling in my guts, making my skin have goosebumps. 

"Don't worry about her, Em. We need to face our fear of her, together." 

This made me look at Sapphire when she said that. "No. Not together. You go first, you know her better than me." I told her. It was my turn to be the chosen one to come up with plans. 

"Yes, Emilia." she responded before I watched her begin to walk back up the hallway. I then watched her walk into the bathing room...uh...excuse me? Was Amber in there? There was only one way to find out, but I will not be that person. 

Okay, I need to have a small peak without giving myself away...but I knew this was going to be a bad idea. I slowly made my way up the hall, before pressing my back against the wall as I was right near the room.

"You do know that I am not getting in there with you, right?" I heard Sapphire ask her. Good...

"I know you want to come in with me. Come on, Sapphire. This is like the old times, when I wasn't a vampire ruler." Amber replied, "The water is really warm and very romantic..."

"That is because it is the BLOOD MOON!" 

"Don't yell at me. I am not mind controlling you anymore, am I?" 

I heard Sapphire let out a sigh before I heard some movement of the water. I slowly began to move my head so I could watch what they were doing. Amber know. And she was whispering in her ear, while playing with her top before she began to take off her clothes. "Okay. You have won me over..." Sapphire began to tell her, until she was cut off.

Suddenly, I watched Amber bite into Sapphire's neck. What did Amber say to her? No no no! This was bad...super super bad...

Sapphire's body then began to collapse in front of my eyes, before Amber picked her up easily and carried her over to the pool of water with a bunch of rose petals which filled up the room with delicious smells. Strawberries. 

"I can see you, Emilia. Come in, take off your clothes and sit in the bath with us." Amber told me. Yep, I shouldn't have been nose-y. Crap. What did she do to Sapphire? My friend? 

"I'd rather not..."

"Come on. I won't bite you again, even though you smell delicious as anything..."

"What did you do to Sapphire?" I asked her, beginning to take a few steps forward to the bath. Sapphire's head was laying against Amber's bare shoulder, her neck slowly stopping bleeding as it began to heal on it's own...

She was seconds away from waking up into a new life...

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