Chapter 23 - Creepy Sapphire

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Sapphire's POV

I was sleeping quite peacefully, until I felt some presence. I slowly opened my eyes, revealing that I was alone. I sat up on the bed so that I could stretch my arms. I then widened my eyes as I started to feel the same presence. must be Emilia. She was awake! She was the only human here in this castle, so it must be her. There was one easy way to find out and that is to have a little visit to her. Somehow, I knew which bedroom she was in. Amber's.

I moved off the bed quickly, completely excited. I tried to keep myself under control, but what was the point when I just couldn't hold it in any longer? I walked over to the wardrobe and picked out a simple black robe. I checked my reflection in the mirror while I was tying the belt around me. Yep. I had dark red eyes. I hope she doesn't get frightened by me as I was in a...hungry stage. I felt my fangs grow longer, cutting into my bottom lip. Shit...

"Is everything alright, babe?"  I heard Amber ask me, using that mind talking power, whatever it was. "Yep! I am just going to see Emilia for a few minutes."  I spoke, accidentally out loud too. Wonderful...

"I know what you are thinking of doing. Don't. She has already been bitten enough times by us."

I then frowned at the mirror. "But..." I began to say before feeling a bit of cold air touch the back of my exposed neck as I was tying my hair up in a ponytail. "No means no, Sapphire." Amber told me, using my name which I didn't quite like. I was doing something wrong...

"Open your mouth, let me see those fangs." she then ordered me which made me whine as if I was a fucking baby. I turned around to face her, before opening my mouth. "Yep, those fangs are going to literally kill our mate if you sink them in her." she said to me. I frowned again, tilting my head down until Amber grabbed my chin, lifting my head up again. 

"She tastes so fucking good though..." I whispered, my voice cracking a bit too. I was close to tears for some dumb reason. I hated it and I hated myself.

"Don't cry.  You have to be strong." Amber told me, before we both heard the door knock. My eyes then widened as I moved my mate out of the way. "Sapphire!" she hissed at me as I unlocked the door, revealing Emilia. I immediately began to feel my lips turn into a scary grin. 

"Sorry, babe. You are NOT biting her this time." I heard Amber say to me before I saw darkness cover my vision as I blacked out.  

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