Chapter 1: Shoot to Kill

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I can't believe I'm already on part two! This is when it gets wild and crazy again so be prepared for lots of action, death, ass kicking, violence, some sweet moments, and of course a bit of drama. And not too far away either.

A hint for you-Someone from Finn's past is going to appear. And you won't expect Nova's reaction either.

Anyways part two is finally here! I'm sorry it took so long I've been working 60-80 hours a week so I try my hardest to write on my downtime but it's not easy. Please just be patient with me while these times are crazy!

On to the story now! Enjoy xx


"Everyone please be seated and fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing in North Carolina shortly."

I looked down at Nova and smiled at how content she was. Her head was in my lap as I played with her hair. She looked so comfy I didn't want to wake her up but I knew I had to. Maybe just another minute.

She looked relatively peaceful for how she's been feeling. But my Killer is strong and will fight and succeed so we can go home and have our forever. There's so much pressure on her right now and it breaks my heart knowing how stressed she is and will be until we go home.

How does she do it?

It seems as if the weight of the world is always on her shoulders yet she still comes out on top and doesn't complain either. She just deals with it head-on with no hesitation or transgressions. She can do anything. She's the strongest woman I know. We were almost to freedom and I was ready for it. We just had to save the world first.

"I do not like Nova this upset. I wish I could do something to make her feel better. She deserves to be happy with everything she does for us. Do you have any suggestions for what we can do to help her? I will do whatever you need. I just want to help her." Chaska said with a sigh as he looked at Nova and frowned.

"She'll be okay. I have an idea but it all depends on what materials they have that I need. I'll get her out of her funk don't worry."

Chaska nodded and sat back, closing his eyes and sighed again. I feel it dude.

The plane began its descent so I gave Nova a gentle shake and she sat up, rubbing her tired eyes before looking at me still pretty bummed. I hated seeing her so sad. I'd rather her be angry or annoyed over sad. I don't like it when she's like this and I don't know what I can do to fix it. I'll have to think of something though. I need her focused and prepared for the danger ahead. Knowing her she'll be fine once she's in action and won't miss a beat but I hated seeing her like this. How could I make it better...

"Buckle up Killer. We're about to land."

Nova sighed and did what I said, taking out her notebook and started writing lists and formulating plans for what we would have to do. I looked over her shoulder and watched as she wrote, hoping to find a few things I could do myself to lighten her load because her list is getting pretty long.

1. Get to Abbott. Find out-
        -where we are staying
        -where we get food
        -what we do until we leave
        -where I can take Booker outside
2. Bring live cure samples to lab
3. Get situated in living quarters
4. Find all exits and entrances
5. Nearest town
6. Can I borrow a vehicle?
7. Place to train and exercise with all of my people
8. Weapons we need to complete task
9. Place for target practice
10. What information they have on the Savages and the leader. The plan of what we'll be doing. Gather all information possible.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now