Nightmare And The Resumption Assembly

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"Good morning, papi." I announced walking down the stairs into our massive living room, precisely too big for two people. But whatever! I thought shrugging.

"Good morning, how are you my dear?" Abbah asked sipping from his cup of tea as he watch the early morning news and I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

"I am good, when did you returned home last night?"

"It was pretty late, I should have insisted in taking you, because two of my collogues brought their children."

"No thank you, I had a great time here too. I don't know what I would have done at a gala night with bunch of elderly people. And I am quite sure you keep talking about business." I said copying the amusing smile dancing on my father's lips. He knew that's not my thing, being with the elders.

"Sir, breakfast is ready!" Asabe informed us coming out of the kitchen hallway smiling, "good morning, Noor!"

"Good morning!" I muttered and abbah look at me, he have already dismissed Asabe with smile and a nod.

"I am pretty sure, she didn't heard that. If you truly want to greet her, do it the right way. She's elder to you and she greeted you, isn't that enough?"

"Abbah!" I pouted, pursing my lips, "she's just too noisy, she don't know when to keep quiet and now you're scolding because of her."

"But she likes you, Noor. She's the best maid we have gotten after so many incompetent ones. I am sure it won't hurt to be nice to her."

"She is not in my mood this morning, that is  why." If only abbah knows all that's my heady work, he won't keep calling those agency maid incompetent.

We had breakfast in silent after I agreed to be nice to Asabe which will only be at his presence. And I just hope she doesn't cross her boundaries in the process or got use to the idea. The last thing I wanted would be some maid trying to make look stupid, just because my father is nice.

Thirty minutes later abbah's car parked in front of our massive school gate which have the school logo largely incribed on it. They're junior staff there in front of the gate all dressed formally opening doors for students as they welcome them back to school. And just like everyone I let one of the staff do me the honor, after bidding abbah goodbye I made my into the school. 

The just-risen sun shone softly on the school walkways, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity. And with I let the morning breeze of Pinnacle International College aka PIC, caresses my face,  welcoming me back to another eventful year. There are so many memories of me here, especially the good ones where I wasn't a weak little girl. it's going to be my last year being as a student here and every second of it count. As I wake into the school along side many other students, most of them gushing in happiness, I begin to imagine things on my own, how many thing will uphold. It will soon be time for assembly I realized after checking my wrist watch. And normally the first assembly of the term tend to be very long.

Abbah always make sure I have all the best things, he can offer me as his only child and Pinnacle International college is one of the most prestigious school not only in Abuja, but in Nigeria as a whole. It's also have a boarding house and people from everywhere in the country with the privilege come here. It's the kind of school when mentioned, people tend to look at you. Because it isn't everyday they get see a PIC student walking around.

The truth about PIC is that, it takes a lot to be here, I mean a lot of hard work. It's not only about being able to afford the huge sum of the school fees. The school requirements matters the must, two years ago three minister's children where rejected because they couldn't pass there attitude test. So the school isn't only for the elite and that's what makes it more fun. Yet with even that much, some students just gets lucky and there they're stupidly walking around and letting other make fun of them. While they lose the little confidence they have each and every second.

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