(Bully!Ichimatsu X Bullied!Reader) Angst

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For RicePuddingz

I'm sorry for not writing as much, I've been busy. And school's starting soon for me, wish me luck!



Tracing the bruises on my arm, my legs, and even my stomach. The flesh of my skin was painted a hus of blue, purple, and pink every time my fingers came onto touch with the little spots, a quick pain sends a shiver down my spine.


A dark purple bruise on my arm kept me from holding my own pencil when writing notes. I remembered my teacher giving me a pitied look and sent me home for the 4th time that week. It's always where I'm most vunreble. My weak spots. The places where I need to stand strong.


Home. A place where it's so much safer. Even though nobody was home. My father was at work, whilst my mother was away. Being alone was all I've known. It was better than okay. Better than being at Akatsuka Highschool; the source of each fresh painted bruises laced onto my skin.


It was even worse when the person that used to be your best friend was painting his color onto my skin. Purple. It always reminds me of him. The friendship that we had between us when we were in elementary and reunited in Highschool. Only for our relationship to change.


Number four. His number. My best friend, my enemy. The hits that he has pranched onto my skin with his so-called "friends". The names I will never forget; Yanagita, Uchikawa, Atsushi, and Ichimatsu.


The look in his eyes were unreadable. We were friends, right? The kitten that he gifted me on my 10th birthday, on which I named after him, he still remembers, right? He never wanted to hurt me, right? Right? Right?!


The sixth son of the Matsuno brothers. Todomatsu. My only friend that I can lean on. Despite him being the needy child in highschool, he was always there for me. He never left my actions unreciprocated everytime I gave him his needs; to walk him home, buying him lunch, giving him company.


It's been seven years since I've graduated highschool. It was in the late evening when I stood in the Highschool reunion party, a drink in my hand, frozen. I didn't know that I expected. I didn't even know why I even came here in the first place. My parents paid for me to come back to the souces of all my problems in all in one party when there was no one really to reunite with. It was going to be a waste of money, but my parent's pushed me into the building after they've dropped me off.

I sat down at a booth and sighed, taking my final sip of wine that was presented by a bartender who was passing out drinks. I mean, there was nothing else left to do. All I had to do was wait this one out and get it over with.

I thought this was going to be boring. Tiring and a waste of money to my parents. It was stupid for me to attend this party. It was stupid of me to even let my parent's push me into the building. I could leave whenever I wanted to, but where will I go? I don't know...

"Wow! Totoko-chan's so cute!" A voice coos.

'Wait,' I think and turn my head towards the crowd, 'Totoko-chan?'

I set down my glass and walk over to the crowed and push through. I mutter quiet 'sorrys' as I squeeze in between the women that were at awe at the woman that I was looking for: Totoko.

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