Stressed (Karamatsu x Reader) Fluff

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For NaoBlacky

haha, part 69



Tick Tock

The clock shimmers in the darkroom, your eyes focused on your laptop in front of you. The loud and rhythmic clicking of the keys makes your eyes arch in focus.

Tick Tock

How many times have you done this already? Eyes fixed on the screen, working nonstop as paper scatters around you; notes, works, labs-- work, work, work, work.

Tick Tock

You glance back at the papers in front of your laptop, your eyes on the papers filled with your notes, and the questions that you needed to finish. Gosh, you were a mess.

Tick Tock

When you blinked your eyes stung with pain, begging that that was enough for today. You've been working nonstop, wanting to get work done-- no, needing to get work done and study for the upcoming tests that were around the corner.

So many tests, so little time. Your sanity was on a sharp edge.

The sound of a door opening made you snap your head upwards, watching the love of your life enter the shared bedroom. "Hello, my love." He coos, his loving eyes soon arch with concern when his eyes wander around the bedroom, seeing all the paper works on the floor and bed. "Again?"

You smile at him, sitting up, "Yes... sorry about that..." You apologize, eyes wandering back onto your laptop once more before you pull it in your lap. "I didn't hear you come in, did you just get here?"

Karamatsu hums, walking over to the bed, pushing some paper works out of the way before he sits down, his hand resting on your thigh, "Yes, I just came home." His hand on your lap soon rises up to brush a hair strand on your face, tucking it behind your ear. "You've been studying nonstop, my love. You need a break." He says, his hand cupping your cheek now.

You shake your head, eyes not leaving your laptop. "...No, I can't. I need to study." You diss his invitation to calm your nerves and take a break. But you'll be damned, you really need the break. Your body wanted to sleep, but your mind refuses too.

His hand goes under your chin and tilts your head towards him, your tired and red eyes meeting his brown and loveable eyes. "Look at me, honey," He says, his eyebrows narrowed with worry. "You've been studying for a week now, come have dinner and rest up for the day, okay?"

Your lips quiver for a moment, your stomach burning with tenderness from the intense gaze in his eyes. The look in his eyes, his worry for you made you shiver with love. He was too sweet for you. You felt like giving in, your body repeating that you wanted a break, and it would be even better to have a break with your love. Your eyes tilt back towards your laptop, before looking back at him with your eyes glistening.

You open your mouth to say yes, but your mind says, "No... I can't,"

"I can't stop now, please let me finish, I can't." Your heart ached with pain as you push Karamatsu's hand away from your face, your eyes on your screen again. "I'm sorry, I have a test that I need to study for, I can't afford to take a break,"

"My love, please--"

You were at your breaking point.

"Please, I can't, Kara, I can't." Your body aches to rest, wanting to rest in Karamatsu's arms and have a good night's sleep. Your mind was screaming at you, forcing you to finish studying and get it over with. It wasn't that hard, was it? But it was. Studying nonstop gave you a headache, eyes underlined with dark circles that shows that you barely had any rest. You would kill to be embraced in Karamatsu's comforting arms and pull you into a deep embrace of rest that you were in debt with.

"Shhh, my love..." His hand goes back on your soft cheek before wiping a tear that seeped down your cheeks. You were crying. While both mind and body screamed the opposites, you didn't know what to do. You look at Karamatsu, begging for an answer to know what to do. You didn't know what to do. Either way of both decisions, you'll be guilty one way or the other.

You sniff, tears coming out of your glossy eyes as Karamatsu pushes papers that got in the way of Karamatsu. He pulls you closer to him, wrapping you in his arms as you lean into his touch. You have never realized that you were so touch starved, it was an odd feeling. It felt amazing to be in the arms of your lover, Karamatsu Matsuno.

"Rest up today, okay?" He says, an arm wrapping around your head and the other on your back, embracing you into his warmth, almost like he was protecting you. It felt wonderful.

You nuzzle your face into his chest, your arms around his back, never wanting to pull away from how comforting you felt. Studying was out of your mind at the moment, your mind and body going blank, not screaming at you to do one thing or the other. It was just you. Just you, not knowing what to do, but break down with Karamatsu at your side.

Karamatsu rocks you back and forth, a rhythmic movement that hypnotized you, making you feel calmer, comfortable, and most of all: loved.

Your cries grow to small sniffling as you force yourself out of his embrace before giving him a small and pained smile, "...Thank you, Kara..." You mutter out, not knowing how to express your thanks while being emotional.

He kisses your temple and gives your hands a squeeze before interlocking his hands in yours, his eyes never leaving yours. "You don't need to thank me, my love." His voice grows deep with care.

You glance back at the work on your bed. Instead of the urge to just get it over with, you felt disgusted and not motivated to do anything anymore. You sigh and look back at him again, "I'm sorry for not listening to you." You say, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Nonsense my dear," Karamatsu reassures, shaking his head. "Do you want a bath?"

"No, I really just want to sleep..." You shrug, eyes not meeting his.

"Of course," He says, "Do you want to clean up your work?"

"No, don't worry about it," You shake your head, not wanting to clean up at all. "I just want you to hold me."

Karamatsu chuckles and grins at you, he ushers you to lay down, which you do. You never felt more relieved to be away from work. Karamatsu shuffles closer to you, his arm pulling you closer to his chest and one around your waist, most likely hovering over your body. "Anything for you."

You smile and nestle closer to his body, not wanting to leave his comforting embrace. "I love you so much, Kara..." You mutter out, feeling tired by the second.

Karamatsu played with your hair, his hands brushing through your scalp, and plants another kiss on your forehead, "I love you more, my dearest."


This was so cute and relatable to write... aaAAA.

I need Karamatsu in my life.

Also, I'm gonna go X games mode on writing now on this book and mine as well lmao. Check my book out if you want lol


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