Blind!Karamatsu x Yakuza!Male!Reader

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For savewillcipher
Okay, first off, I am so sorry that I haven't been posting but I have been suffering major writer's block but I am slowly, but surely, getting back to updating. I want to thank Kim__chan for being my moderator. Thank you so much Kim for making my job a little easier on me😊❤️

I was in my office looking through files when one of my men rush in. "What have I told you about-" "I'm sorry sir, but I just got a call from the hospital. Karamatsu was brought in an hour ago." He says and my face drops before I drop the file in my hand. I rush out of the room and run out of the building to get in my car before speeding off to the hospital. "Please be okay. Please be okay." I mumble as I grip the wheel tightly.

When I got to the hospital I rush in and I ran up to the desk. I slam my hands down on the counter, startling the nurse, before I ask "Karamatsu Matsuno, where is he?" She hums and nods "right..oh looks like he's on the second floor. Room 214." She says and I nod "Thank you!" I shout as I run to the elevator. When I reach the second floor and rush to his room.

I open the door and rush in "Karamatsu!" I shout as I rush over to see him laying down with bandages covering his right arm, around his neck and wrapped over his eyes. He hums and turns his head towards me, reaching his hand out, as he mumbles "y/n." I sigh and took his hand in mine "I'm here. I'm right here." I say and hear someone clear their throat.

I glance up and see a doctor. "Oh..sorry, I didn't see you there." I say and he hums "it's okay. What's your relationship to the patient?" He asks and I blush "He's my boyfriend." I say and he nods "Okay. Well he was brought here by a couple who heard him groaning in pain in an alley. We believe that he got jumped by some men, probably from a gang. We were quick to mend his injuries of the men poured acid onto his face and it got into his eyes. Blinding him."

I froze and turn to look at Karamatsu who had squeezed my hand. "..I see.." I say with a shaky tone and he hums "I'll leave you two alone." He says and I hum "Thank you." I says and he nods before leaving. I reach my free hand up to caress his face and he flinches "Sorry...Oh Karamatsu, I'm so sorry. I wasn't there to protect you." I say and he hums "it's okay y/n." He says and I sigh shakily before hugging him

"Tell me...who did this?"

Karamatsu hums "promise you won't do anything drastic?" He asks and I hum before nodding "I promise." I say and he hums " was this gang of three men. I don't know why but they followed me and pushed me into the alleyway where they started their assault. I tried to plead with them and even offered to give them everything in my wallet but they said "this isn't about money." before continuing their attack."

I nod and hug him tighter "What did they look like? Did they wear any symbols?" I ask and he hums "..I can't place what they look like but..the guy who blinded me wore a leather jacket with a lion printed onto the back." He says and I hum "okay...I'll talk with police when I leave to try and get those guys arrested..but while I'm gone I want you to rest okay?" I ask and he nods

When I left the hospital I growl before heading off to find the gang. I knew exactly who they were and they would pay for hurting my boyfriend so badly.

It didn't take long to find them and bring them to his manor where he pulled them to a room in the basement meant for intense interrogation. He chained all three men onto medical tables and stares them down as he twirls a switchblade in his hand. " to tell me why you targeted my boyfriend?"

"W-We..We didn't know he-" "Bullshit. You knew who you were messing with." He growls as he walks over to the guy who spoke and slashed his right cheek. A cut starting from his eye down to his jaw. "You hurt him. You blinded him and made him suffer. I'm gonna make you regret messing with him. I'm gonna make you suffer." He says before he got two work.

He started cutting and slashing the other two guys while he left their leader untouched. He ignores their pained screams and only gave the response "you ignored Karamatsu's screams so I'll ignore yours." before continuing to make the guys suffer. Once he felt they suffered enough he moved to the leader.

He twirls around his switchblade before bringing it down onto his hand, going right through it. He screams out and y/n chuckles before bringing the blade out to slash his face and torso. When that was done he walks away for a second "'re the one who blinded my boyfriend?" He asks as he rummages through a closet "What was it you poured into his eyes again?" He asks with an emotionless tone.

"h-hydrofluoric acid." He stutters out and I hum before grabbing the bottle of hydrofluoric acid. He walks over the guy as he opens the bottle "That's right. Even though you and those two beat him decided to make him suffer even more." He says before holding the bottle up over his head. The guy flinches "please don't! We won't mess with you again! I-" "I don't want to hear it." Y/n growls before tilting the bottle, letting the contents spill out into his eyes.

Y/n smirks as the guy screams and writes in pain. He stops when the bottle was empty. "There. Now you now the pain my boyfriend went through." He growls before walking off "I'll leave you here for a bit but don't worry. My men will take you an hour." He says before shutting the door. He went upstairs with a sigh and hums with a smile

"Sorry that I broke my promise Karamatsu..but it was worth it."

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