Stick Together (Matsu Bros x reader) Angst

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For Vampiregirl75

I let out a sigh as I walk alongside Karamatsu. We had been walking since this morning. We were on a search to find his brothers. Karamatsu still had faith that they were alive and I did too but with this outbreak, and how quickly it took over people, I had some faith but I was loosing more and more hope with each passing day. How long has it been?

It's been 6 weeks and there was still no sight of any of his brothers. Yet Karamatsu wasn't losing hope. He kept saying how we would find them and be a family again. He was hoping to find them alive and well...but I knew that there was a chance that a few, if not all, might already be turned.

He stops walking and I stop with a hum when I saw looking towards a forest. I tense when he started walking over but I follow close behind with my hand hovering over my gun. Then I heard groaning and yet Karamatsu kept going. We eventually found the source of the groans and I cover my mouth in shock.

The source of the groans had been a zombie. The reason for covering my mouth was that the zombie...was Osomatsu.

I turn to look at Karamatsu to see him with a devastated look. I reach my hand out "Karamatsu...I'm sorry I-" I flinch as he pushes my hand away "Don't say anything...I'll be over there...Just get it over with." He mumbles before leaving the forest and I sigh before pulling out my gun. I flinch when what use to be Osomatsu lifted his head to stare at me with dead eyes.

I sigh and lift my gun before turning away. "Sorry Osomatsu." I say softly before pulling the trigger. The loud bang startled me but when the groaning stopped I knew what had been done. I look back to Osomatsu. He was still with a bullet in his head. Then I saw the bear trap on his leg and hum.

I head back to Karamatsu to see him leaning against a tree with a frown. I stood beside him and sigh "he was caught in a bear trap...I think he died from starvation." I say softly and he hums before walking away. He was silent. "Karamatsu I'm sorry...but you know there was nothing I could do...He was too far gone by the time we found him." I say as I walk beside him and he hums but doesn't say a word.

He stayed silent for a while after that.

We still continued our search but we had to look out for each other as well. There were a few times we came across bandits and had to either scare them off...or kill them if they got to aggressive. We were camping out for the night when we heard something. We immediately stood up with our weapons drawn. When I didn't hear groaning I call out "Who's out there!"

"Don't shoot! It's me, Choromatsu!" A voice shouts and Karamatsu tenses but he looked at me. I could see a look of relief but I could tell he was waiting to see what I had to say. "Come into view." I say and he walks out from the tree line. I lower my weapon followed by Karamatsu and smile when I saw it was him. But my eyes widen when I saw something shocking.

"Choromatsu...your arm." I say softly and Karamatsu looks at me with a hum before turning back to my brother as he walks over to us. Karamatsu's face drops before he asks "What happened to it? Why did you-" "cut off my arm...yeah I'll explain everything." He says gesturing for us to sit. So we walk back to our seats by the fire and he sat between us. "I guess I'll just start with explaining what happened before I left the others." He mumbles before lifting his head.

"When you got separated from us the rest of us decided to look for you two. So we made a campsite and everyday we would leave to look for you. One of those days Osomatsu got caught in a trap. We tried to open it but it was sealed shut and wouldn't budge. Jyushimatsu suggested using his axe and I was going to agree before Osomatsu said not to...he said that if we did...that he could become infected or if he didn't he would just become a burden to us." He says and I hum "So he told you to leave him?" I ask and Choromatsu nods.

"Why didn't you just shoot he wouldn't become a zombie later?" Karamatsu asks and Choromatsu sighs "Because no one had a gun. We had weapons but no guns..I guess we weren't lucky to find one." He says and Karamatsu hums "oh..I guess that would explain why Jyushimatsu has an axe." Karamatsu says and Choromatsu nods.

"Well after that things went downhill...Todomatsu had got lost in the woods. When we found him he had been killed by bandits. This time we didn't want him to turn so I used my knife to make sure he didn't return undead...Then one Ichimatsu's cats had become zombified. He got rid of the cat...but Ichimatsu didn't tell us that he had been scratched."

"Oh dear." I mumble while Karamatsu drops his head into his hands. "Yeah...obviously Ichimatsu turned and attack me and Jyushimatsu. He was killed instantly by Jyushimatsu. Jyushimatsu was fine but I got bit." He says and grips what's left of his left arm. "So to prevent spread of infection" I start and Karamatsu ends with "you cut off your arm."

"Well Jyushimatsu did..but yeah...then Jyushimatsu and I started our journey to find you guys...but like 2 weeks into the trip I noticed how sad Jyushimatsu was...he was really depressed...I knew it was from all that happened and assured him that we'd find you alive...he would always just nod with a hum...Then one morning I woke up to find he was dead." He says with a shaky voice as tears fell down his face.

"He purposely starved himself to hurt even more when I had to make sure he wouldn't come I used his axe..the axe that I still have on my back." He says and I sigh before looking to Karamatsu who had his face buried into his hands. "Karamatsu..I'm so sorry. I-" "Oh! You're sorry! Well that makes thing all better!" He shouts before standing up.

"Karamatsu I'm just-" "Well don't! I don't want to hear it! I just found out that my brothers aside from Choromatsu are dead!" He shouts and Choromatsu gets up to lay his hand on Karamatsu's shoulder. "Karamatsu. Calm down. The way things are right now this would have happened eventually...honestly you should be glad you didn't have to see them suffer." Choromatsu says with a distant look in his eyes.

"That would've hurt you more than just hearing of their suffering...believe's not a good thing to witness your own brothers suffer and slowly lose hope...It broke me the day that even Jyushimatsu couldn't smile. Then when I was alone...that's worse..suffering all alone...when I saw your campsite and the two of you...alive and well..I was so relieved." Choromatsu says and Karamatsu glances down before covering his face as sobs emit from him.

I stood up to hug him tightly and Choromatsu hugs him the best he can. "We may have lost them but we are still here and we are long as we stick together...then everything will be alright." I say as tears begin to roll down my face. Karamatsu sighs and wraps his arms around both of us. "You're right...sorry for yelling." He says softly and he both hum before hugging him tighter. "We understand." I say softly with Choromatsu nodding.

Yeah, in this zombie apocalypse, we will survive as long as we stick together.

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