Cheater! Karamatsu x reader Angst

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For MoonyWhiteDesu
Here's the scene. Karamatsu and reader have been together since they graduated high school. They are both 25. So 7 years they have been together and for 2 years they have shared an apartment.

Now onto the story. Hope you like it.

I was in the kitchen making some breakfast for Karamatsu before I went to work. After making breakfast and setting the table I saw Karamatsu exit our room with a yawn. "Morning hon~" I coo as I walk over to kiss his cheek and he hums before looking at me with a smile. "Morning Darling. How'd you sleep?" He asks and I sigh "honestly not that well and I woke up feeling sick." I say and he hums

"But I'm alright. Let's eat." I say and he hums with a smile before sitting down beside me to eat breakfast before I went to work. Though at work I felt worse. I couldn't focus, my stomach was hurting and I felt nauseous. That's when a thought occurred and when I realized something that shocked me but made my smile.

My period was late.

As soon as I got off work I went to the store to pick up 3 pregnancy tests, I wanted to be sure. When I got home I was relieved to see Karamatsu wasn't home yet. I went to the bathroom and took the test. I anxiously waited the ten minutes for the results. When the ten minutes was up I saw that all three results said positive and I was so happy.

I exit the bathroom with the tests and wide smile. "Hehe Karamatsu's gonna be so happy I just know it." I say and hear the door open. I turn and hide the tests behind my back when I saw Karamatsu enter before closing the door. "Welcome back Karamatsu~" I coo happily before walking up to kiss him. He hums and pulls away "What's got you so happy?" He asks as he walks over to sit at the table.

So I walk over and set the tests down in front of him. "This is why I'm happy." I say as I pull my hand away and he hums as he looks at the test before turning to me with wide eyes "Y-You're pregnant?" He asks and I nod with a giggle "I am!" I say happily and he hums with an almost nervous face. "Aren't you happy?" I ask as my face drops and he flinches before hugging me.

"O-Of course I'm happy...this is just so...unexpected...but yes..I'm happy to hear that you're pregnant." He says and I sigh in relief before hugging him back "I was worried that you were disappointed." I say and he hums before hugging me tighter. "Disappointed? No no. Why would I be disappointed?" He says and I pull away with a smile.

"We're going to be parents Karamatsu." I say happily and he smiles before hugging me. "Yeah...we're gonna be parents."

Since then 2 months have passed and with each passing day I grew more excited. But for some reason Karamatsu would leave the house more often and whenever he was with me he seemed tense. He almost seemed guilty some days. One day I was out with the plan of going to the store for groceries when I saw Karamatsu. I was a little confused as he told me he had work today.

So I decided to follow him. I followed him and hum when I saw him walking to his old home. "Okay...I guess he's just visiting his brothers." I say and pause when I saw another woman walk up to him. I felt my heart clench when she wraps her arms around his arm before they both went into the house.

I stood there for a bit in shock before walking up to the front door. I gulp nervously before opening the door and I discovered that they would be the only two here as there shoes were the only ones by the door. I hum and already felt tears well in my eyes but I try to calm down as I walk up to the living room door. I open the door with my shaky hand and that's when my heart sank.

In the room was Karamatsu and that other woman. She was sitting on his lap as they were making out.

They stopped when the door opened and turn to see me. Karamatsu was shocked to see me while the woman looked confused. I was frozen in place for a bit before sighing. "I don't know what to say...Karamatsu..we have been together for 7 years..doesn't that mean anything to you?" I ask and he glances away "you can't even look at me?" I ask and the woman hums with a smile.

"Oh now I know who you are. You're his girlfriend, the one he knocked up right?" She asks as she stood up and I hum "yeah?" I say as she walks over to me and she hums "Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble but Karamatsu isn't interested in you anymore. He was actually planning on breaking up with you." She says and I felt my heart break.

" that true?" I ask and he sighs before getting up. He walks over and I look up at him. "Yes. I'm sorry but it's true that over time I had lost interest but didn't really know how to break it to you. Then when I met Nina..I knew I had to end things but for a while I kept our new relationship secret..then when I was finally going to end told me you were pregnant soo."

"So what? You planned to stay with me till I had the baby? Then you'd break up with me." I ask and Nina hums "That was the plan." She says and I drop my head. "You know what...Fine..I want you moved out of the apartment in two weeks..I don't want anything to do with you...I hope you're happy." I mutter before rushing out the house, accidentally bumping into Jyushimatsu on the way out.

A few minutes later as I was walking down the street I hear "Y/n-chan! Wait!" I turn around to see Jyushimatsu run up to me. "I...I saw you leave...and then I saw...Karamatsu and.." he says between pants before taking a breath. "I'm so sorry." He says and I smile softly before shrugging. "It's...Its fine...I'm heartbroken but I can live without him...caring for this baby though" I was cut off by Jyushimatsu taking my hands in his.

"I can help."

I hum and he smiles before resting his hands on my belly. "I can help you raise the baby." He says and I smile softly "..I'd appreciate the help..thank you Jyushimatsu." I say softly and he nods before hugging me. "It's no problem. I'll do anything I can to help you." He says and I smile before hugging him back.

Jyushimatsu has been a great help through my pregnancy. He even helped me with...some issues. Those issues being that I was depressed. I was till very much heartbroken over Karamatsu. Jyushimatsu has had to stop me from injuring myself and the baby...yeah he once had to stop me from drinking. But Jyushimatsu helped the best way he could and kept me safe along with my baby. Eventually the baby's due date was here and Jyushimatsu rushed me to the hospital where he stayed by my side throughout the birth.

After it was all over I had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. The minute I saw her I cried tears of joy...well mostly joy. As I held her Jyushimatsu stayed by my side. "She's so's cute." He says softly and I smile weakly "Yeah...look at how cute she is. Hi cutie~" I coo and nuzzle my nose on hers. I hum and turn my head when I felt Jyushimatsu kiss my temple.

"Oh..sorry..I just..You did so good today and you looked tired so I-" he pauses as I lean in to kiss him softly. "It's don't have to explain yourself." I say softly and he smiles softly "hm y/n can I be honest?" He asks and I nod. "I..I love you...I have actually loved you since we graduated high school but I saw you were with Karamatsu so I stuck with being your when I found out Karamatsu had cheated...I was soo angry."

I stare at him surprised before smiling. "That's why I wanted to help you raise the baby...because I still care about you...I still love you very much." He says softly and I smile "You know what Jyushimatsu...even if you aren't her Biological'd make a great father for her." I say softly and he perks up "Wait really?" He asks and I hum "We'll have to take it slow...but I'd love to have you by my side." I say softly and Jyushimatsu smiles before kissing me softly.

Yeah about taking it slow...Jyushimatsu and I were only dating for 5 months before we got married. He made me feel so much happier and I was right about how he'd be a good dad.

I hated that I caught Karamatsu cheating...but if I hadn't..I wouldn't be with Jyushimatsu so...A great thing came out of a bad situation.

Osomatsu-san Oneshots (Book 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant