Sister is sad (Baby! Matsu Bros x Big Sister! reader) Angsty/Fluff

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For Vampiregirl75
Reader is only 6
Matsu Bros are 2

I stare down at the small futon that held my baby brothers. Identical Sextuplets. Honestly if they weren't color coded I'd mix them up. When I was first told by my mom that she was pregnant again I was so excited and couldn't wait to meet my new sister/brother. I was happy and a little surprised when all six of my brothers were born. But as soon as we got home, that all changed.

I noticed how my parents became more attentive to them. I understood it was because they were babies and there were six of them but it made me upset. I felt like my parents didn't really care about me anymore.

I was at school with my friends asking what it was like having 6 younger brothers. I got questions like; Do they cry a lot? What do they look like? Can the walk/talk yet? I was annoyed that even my friends were more interested in my baby brothers.

"Yeah...they can walk and talk..I mean they are two years old now." I say with a frown "Can we talk about something else?" I ask but before we could the teacher came in to start class. "Maybe at lunch." One of my friends say before heading to their seat. I sigh and rest my head on my hand.

When school go out I wait outside for my parents to pick me up like usual. I wait for 5 minutes but that turns into 10 minutes which turned into half an hour. The frown on my face became a scowl as I turn to just walk home. When I reached home my feet were hurting and I was close to crying out of frustration. I open the door right as my mom walks by with baby Choromatsu in her hands.

"Oh hello y/n, sorry I wasn't there to pick you up but with your father at work and the babies I couldn't-" "it's fine mom...I'll just do my homework." I mumble before walking past her to go to the living room. "Y/n. You've been at school all day. Don't I get a hug?" She asks and I sigh before setting my bag down. I walk over to her and hug her tightly.

She hugs me back with Choromatsu still in her arms. I stare at him and he looks at me with a hum. I narrow my eyes at him before pulling away. "I love you baby." She says and leans down to kiss my head. I smile and nod "love you too mom." I say before going to the living room to start my homework.

I was reading while enjoying some lollipops. The bag right next to me with the lollipops already unwrapped. I finished the one in my mouth and reach for another but the bag wasn't one the table. I hum and glance to the side to see it gone. I glance down to see Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu. The bag in front of them, with some lollipops on the floor, and a lollipop in their mouths.

I froze and glare at them before cleaning the mess. I pick up the bag and place it on the table out of their reach before turning to them. "Don't touch my sweets. I pay for them with my allowance." I say before tugging the lollipops from their mouths. The both gave me a whine before reaching for them. Their eyes were filled with tears but they didn't cry. Yet.

I groan softly and hand them the lollipops "Fine. Take them." I grumble and they instantly swipe them from my hand. I flinch as Jyushimatsu scoots closer to hug me. I sigh and let him hug my waist but I don't hug him back because I was trying to read. I sigh again as Todomatsu had moved to hug my other side.

I just ignore it and continue reading.

I was walking down the hall with Karamatsu walking/waddling behind me. He was following me constantly for whatever reason. When I'd turn around to look he would purposely fall onto his butt and laugh. He thought it was fun but I found it annoying. So I decided to go where he couldn't follow. I went upstairs to their room, climb over the couch and step out the window onto the balcony. I shut the window just in case.

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