Sister is Sad Part 2

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For emosenpai
Reader is 32
Matsu Bros are 28

I sigh as I sat at the bar with my younger brothers. I was at their high school reunion with them. They wanted me to come along with them as a way to get me out of the house. I was a little antsy though and stood up "Sorry guys, I have to call and check on my kids." I say and they hum before nodding "that's okay" Choromatsu says and I smile before walking away to a more quiet area.

I pull out my cell and dial my husband's number. When we picked up I immediately ask "How are Izumi and Zuko?" and he chuckles "y/n, they are fine. Relax." He says softly and I hum "I know and I will but I just had to check on them." I say and he hums "I understand that y/n but do keep in mind that Zuko is 6 and Izumi is 4. They aren't babies anymore." He says and I gasp dramatically

"How dare you! They will always be my babies!" I yell in fake anger with a smile and he laughs "oh I'm sorry..but in all honesty y/n you need to relax. I'm taking care of them just fine over here." He says and I smile "Okay. I'll see you later hon." I say and he hums "Just call me when it's over." He says and I hum. "Will do. I love you." I say and he hums "I love you too baby."

I hang up and went back to my brothers only to see people surrounding them with these shocked/blank stares as they whispered. Then I saw my brothers sitting on their knees with their heads down with a guy yelling at them. Calling them liars and neet village. That made my blood boil as I have always been the one to assure them they are fine the way they are. At least they are trying to get jobs.

So I storm over and stand in front of them with my arms crossed. "If I were you I'd watch what I say." I say with a low tone and he hums before looking me up and down. "Oh wait I know you! You're y/n Sato." He says and I nod "Yes but I'm always a Matsuno. These guys behind me are my little brothers and I don't appreciate how you're talking to them." I say and I glance back to see they looked both embarrassed and relieved.

"I mean I was being honest. Osomatsu is the one who admitted they were neets, not having jobs or education after high school. And they are liars because they did lie about having jobs so I-" "So you what? You chose to make them feel worse than they already did. Do you think they aren't aware of what they are?! Yeah they know that they are neets and the amount of times I have seen them upset about that is ridiculous! They don't need people like you all making them feel even worse about something they already knew!"

He looks at me surprised and I glare at him "And so what if they lied about having jobs! I've seen people lie about their lives many times before so what difference does it make!" I shout with a stern face and he hums "I guess you have a point but it's shocking that even with 10 years passed they haven't really started on life. I mean when you left high school when did you start attending college?" He asks and I hum

"I..well I mean I had a I started as soon as I graduate at 18 years old." I say and he hums "and from there your life kind of fell into place right?" He asks and I went silent. It was true. When I started college that's where I met the love of my life, Kira Sato, and we started dating. After 4 years of school he proposed to me and we were married within a few months. Then Sato inherited a business from his dad which meant I worked alongside him as owner.

My life did fall into place right after going to college. Just like that.

I shook my head and glance at my brothers "even if that is doesn't make their progress insignificant..they are trying." I say and he hums "even if they are neets right now...they are trying their hardest to find work for's just a little harder for them because they...well yeah they don't really have education other than high school." I say and he turns with a hum

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