Trust means nothing (Mafia! Matsu Bros x Cop! reader) Angsty

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For zhighbaugh

I entered the police station with a sigh and head to my office until "Oi! Chief L/n!" One of my officers calls out to me. I sigh before turning around. "Yes?" I ask and he hums "Sorry ma'am but we have one of the Matsu brothers in the interrogation room." He says and I sigh "again...I swear those boy cause nothing but trouble..okay which one is it this time?" I ask as I follow him and opens the door.

I step in and saw Karamatsu leaning back in his chair, arms crossed behind his head. I sigh and dismiss my officer with "I'll handle this." Before closing the door as I enter the room. "Ah! Chief L/n, aren't you a lovely sight today!" He says and I sigh "Cut the crap. Why are you back here?" I say as I sat down on the table's edge.

"I wanted to see your gorgeous face again~"

I blush and sigh "what am I going to do with you boys?...what did you even do?" I ask and he hums "I just stole something minor." He says and I hum before glancing at the record. "Karamatsu! A car is not minor!" I shout after reading what he was in for. "What? I returned it didn't I? I just wanted to see you." He says with a smile and I roll my eyes "You don't have to get into trouble in order to see me. You could just call me."

"Aww but where's the fun in that~" he coos and I sigh "okay...I'll drop the charges but please don't let me catch you in here again." I say with a sigh and he stood up with a smile. "Just go ahead and leave." I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose. I hum as he held my wrist before I gasp as he pushes me against the table. I look up at him and he smiles. "But I don't want to leave yet~" he purrs before leaning down to kiss me.

I pull away with a sigh and glance away "Karamatsu..this is not appropriate..we are in the interrogation room of my police station. We shouldn't-hm~" I cut off with a hum as he kisses my neck while grinding up against me. "Oh come on y/n~ just this once~" he purrs and I blush with a hum before I wrap my arms around his neck. "What am I gonna do with you?" I ask before kissing him deeply.

I huff softly as I readjust my uniform with Karamatsu sitting on the table with a smug smirk. "You're so cute when flustered~" He coos and I turn to him with narrowed eyes "oh shut up, you had your fun, you gonna leave now or do I have to escort you out?" I ask with my hands on my hips. He hums in thought before standing up. "Can you escort me out?" He asks and I roll my eyes before walking out of the room with him walking beside me.

When I got outside I saw Osomatsu leaning against the building waiting. "Hello Osomatsu." I say and he hums before smiling "Hello y/n, I'm just here to pick up my brother" he says and I nod before gently pushing Karamatsu towards him. "Well here you go and can you guys stop getting into trouble just so you can see me?" I ask with crossed arms and a smile.

Osomatsu chuckles and pats Karamatsu on the back. "We'll try. See you later y/n." He says before they walk away. I head back in and was stopped by another one of my officers. "Chief L/n...I don't want to sound like I'm trying to ruin your...relationship...but are you sure you can trust those guys? They are one of the most dangerous mafias out there." She says and I hum with a smile "of course I trust them. Besides ever since I've been in their lives they haven't committed any real crimes." She says before walking to her office.

I don't even remember how they managed to get to fall from them but they did. The matsuno brothers had me fall in love with them. Though their antics would annoy me I found myself happy to be with them. I really did love them and they love me.

Or that's what I thought.

I was in my office filing through reports when one of my officers busted in. "Chief L/n I need to show you something." He says and I hum "Can't it wait? I'm kind of busy" "it's about those Matsuno brothers." He says and I hum before looking at him. "What did they do now? Still another car? Disturbing the peace?" I ask and he shook his head before dropping the file on my desk.

"They were arrested for a mass shooting."

My heart clenched and I open the file "Have they given a reason?" I ask and he nods "They said that their rival clan was in their territory and after one, only one, warning they started shooting at one another." he says and I furrow my eyebrows "They told me they would stop this kind of stuff...that they would try to be more this the only case?" I ask and he bites his lip

"No...They've been arrested separately for different crimes...some severe...some minor." I stare down at the file before looking up at him. "Take me to their cell. Now." I say and he nods before leading me to their holding cell. I nod for him to leave and he does so but I could see the look of worry on his face.

I slam the door shut making them all flinch. They turn to me before glancing away. I silently walk up to them. "Mass shooting huh?" I ask in a cold tone and they kept their heads down. "You guys were never planning on changing were you?" I ask and they were silent. "Answer me!" I growl out and they flinch. "...No." Jyushimatsu says and I sigh "So you lied to me...what else have you lied about?" I ask with a glare but they didn't answer.

I let out a sigh "...Did you guys even love me or was that meant to be a trick?" I ask with a sullen tone. They were silent and I was shocked at Ichimatsu's response. "It was a part of our plan to try and be close with someone on the police force. It's not our fault you actually fell in love with us. You should've realized something was up." He says and I stood there frozen.

"Well...I'm sorry but I guess when you spend most of your life with people avoiding can't tell the difference between those who actual love you...and those who just want to use you." I say as tears well in my eyes "I was willing to look past you being in the mafia. That's why I would drop charges because I didn't want to see either of you in jail...I did love you guys" I pause to look up at their faces. They looked surprised by my words. I glare at them and shook my head.

"My mistake."

I turn around to leave and ignore them as they try to get my attention. Even when I heard Karamatsu shout out "We're Sorry!" I just held my head high as I left the room. I turn to the officer and sigh "let me know how their trail goes." I say before walking off "You aren't coming?" He asks and I shook my head before heading to my office.

I took one step after closing the door before I fell to me knees. I let out a shaky breath and clutch my chest as I cried. My heart was breaking and it hurt so much. They were my first love...which made this my first heartbreak.

At one point they filled my heart with love but now they have all broke my heart.

They also broke my trust but I shouldn't be surprised.

Clearly love and trust means nothing to them.

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