Smile (Karamatsu x Reader x Ichimatsu) ANGST

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This is a thing that I've struggled to write for a while. I began to write this in March, but then I just finished it now because I forced myself too haha

I was going to post this in my original oneshot book in my account, but I posted it here because I just wanted to lol

I hope this is okay before I get back to finishing your guys' requests!



*Soulmate AU*

"Man, Darkmatsu really changed, huh?" Osomatsu spurs, taking a swig of his glass of beer.

The brother's hum in response, "Speaking of Ichimatsu-niisan, where is he anyway?" Todomatsu asks, prickling at his phone, his cheeks red, and his eyes half-lidded with a little light of soberness.

The brother's hum in response again, shrugging this time.

"Probably banging her-- OUCH!" Choromatsu smacked Osomatsu in the back of the head, a glare embarked on his drunk attire.

The brothers were having a night out, drinking till they pass out for no goddamn reason. They felt like getting drunk, so they did. Without a fucking reason.

"You should be glad that Ichimatsu actually has a girl, unlike you, Osomatsu-niisan." Choromatsu crossed his arms, his voice filled with venom.

Osomatsu glared at him, "Right back at you, Fappymatsu."

Choromatsu let out a 'tch,' and glares coldly at Osomatsu, daring him to say it one more time before he throws hands.

"Brothers, brothers, there is no need to fight. We can all get along and--"

"Shut up, Karamatsu!" Everyone says, glaring at him.

"Uh--what? I didn't even do anything..." He looks taken back. He slouches back in the booth where he sits next to Todomatsu and a sleeping Jyushimatsu. He shuffles in his seat, his drunk estate bringing him closer to sleep. The angry brawls from Choromatsu and Osomatsu don't even phase him anymore. Fuck, he has a headache. Karamatsu tries to shut his eyes to try and fight the pain in his head, but the loudness of his brothers snap him awake.

His head droops and nudges upwards again, his body trying to fight sleep. He groans, "Ugh, let's go home now, it's getting late." He says, stopping the angered atmosphere. Todomatsu hums in response, "Yeah, It's getting late." The brothers just sigh and nod, before they leave out crumbled cash and yen from their pockets to pay for their meal and beer. They stumble towards the exits, small groans escaping their lips from their tired and non-sober state.

It takes them a bit to arrive home, but they open the door and don't even bother to announce that they're home because it was in the middle of the night anyway. They kick off their shoes before going upstairs. They all retreat upstairs, slow-paced, and eased. As Karamatsu was about to head upstairs he saw a light that reflected in the hallway. The light was coming from the living room. Karamatsu's eyebrows narrow as he makes his way towards the light that peaks under the door. The door was slightly ajar and he felt his chest grow heavy with slight anxiety.

(Y/n) was in Ichimatsu's arms, sleeping soundly in a pile of blankets with ESP kitty next to them. Ichimatsu was holding onto her with a blush on his face. He looks peaceful, contented, and most of all: happy.

Karamatsu's smile widened when he sees them together. He was so happy for them. Even if it hurts him to see the girl that he loves with his brother. Well, that doesn't matter anyway. As long as they were happy, so was he.

Karamatsu carefully opens the door to the room and tiptoes his way around the room to shut the light. He fiddles with the switch before turning it off. Karamatsu blinks his way through the dark, trying to make his eyes adjust faster. He walks back to where he came from and smiles once again before closing the door. He makes his way up the stairs and quickly changes into his pajamas and brushes his teeth. He brushes a hand through his hair and grunts in exhaustion. He was tired. In many ways.

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