The jar (Matsu Bros x reader)

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For FWPlacencia623
I'm so sorry that this is so lost but I legit forgot about this request till recently😅

I was walking over to the matsuno house to visit my boyfriends before I hear a crash before seeing a jar rolling down the sidewalk. I hum with a raised brow and pick it up. I glance at it and look up to see a window of the matsuno house was broken. Probably from the jar being thrown out. I was surprised that the jar didn't break.

"Must be a strong jar." I mumble before walking to the front door. I let myself in with a hello before walking to the kitchen as that's where the broken window was. I was confused when I saw the brothers, my boyfriends, with this look on their faces. They looked shocked and defeated.

"Um are you guys okay?" I ask and they snap out of it before looking at me. "We're fine...just fine." Osomatsu mumbles and I hum "you sure?" I ask and they nod "We just had some trouble." Karamatsu says with a sigh and I hum "does it have to do with this jar?" I ask holding up the jar and they stare at the jar with blank stares.

"Yeah." They all day and I hum "Well what was the problem? It must have been bad for you guys to have thrown it the window." I ask and they hum "Technically our mom threw it out the window." Choromatsu says and they nod "We were just trying to open the damn thing." Todomatsu mutters with a bitter tone "though I honestly think we should've just run it under warm water." He adds and his brothers hits glance away from his gaze.

"You mean to tell was thrown out a window because you couldn't open it?" I ask with an amused face and they sigh "Yeah, it just wasn't meant to be open. You can just toss it." Osomatsu says as he sits down and I hum before placing my hand over the lid "Well I could give it a try." I say and they gave me a weary look.

"You can try but be careful. Todomatsu actually ended up spraining his wrist." Karamatsu says and Todomatsu nods as he rubs his wrist. I gave them a look before shrugging. "Okay. I'll be careful." I say before turning my hand to twist the lid off. There was a bit of resistance so I tap the lid against the counter edge before twisting it again.

The lid gave a small pop before I pull it off. "There. That wasn't too hard." I say with a smile and hum as they stare at me with blank faces. I felt nervous as it became silent with them just staring at me before they all let out a sigh. "You've got to be kidding." Osomatsu says "we struggled for so long and she opened it so easily." Karamatsu adds as he sank to sit on the floor.

"Well I'm sorry if you guys struggled but it's opened now." I say and Ichimatsu grumbles out "it is not worth all that struggle...I'm not even that hungry anymore." I hum as I put the lid back on but was careful not to tighten it too much. I place the jar away and turn to the brothers. "Well how about I treat you guys to lunch. I know it's a little late for lunch but"

"That sounds like a good idea." Choromatsu says and I smile before the others stood up to follow me out of the kitchen. Once we got our shoes on we went out for a nice lunch together. At lunch they explained the whole jar situation in more detail.

I felt bad for them but at the same time I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

They put up such a struggle to open the jar when honestly they should've just left it alone or done what Todomatsu suggested.

It was a funny story to hear from them though.

Osomatsu-san Oneshots (Book 4)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum