Chp 148 - Percy's POV

Start from the beginning

Yes, but he's a satyr! He's half-goat, of course, he's fast! The crutches were just an excuse to his weird walking.

Yeah, well, in Gregor's case, food was at stake.

Still... a walking stick!


Gregor filled them in while waiting for their food. Of how their wedding plans were put in pause because almost half of June's family had absolutely no contact with technology – some even completely off the grid - and it was trickier than they thought to get a hold on them. And that the side they did get a hold on was arguing with his side of the family about the reception, mostly the blandness of a vegan menu her family defended against the debauchery of the amount of wine his own family wanted to include. While he whined how he just wanted to get married and not start a family feud – or put both families into alcoholic coma, like two of June's aunts have accused him - their food arrived, the table so full of dishes some weren't even completely within the table's limit's, threatening to fall overboard.

Sweet heavens, that's a LOT of food.

"Girly thing, huh?"

"Shut up, G."

Once they had cleared up half of the food, in a speed that earned them several impressed and frightened glances from patrons and staff, Gregor gave her a long look, trying to find answers to questions he hadn't asked yet.

Let's just get this over with.


"First, answer me something."

"Would you do it again? Or do you hate me for convincing you to go to Greece?"

"100% would do it again."

"Was that Percy or Peter?"

"If someone hears you, they'll think we have a double personality."

Gregor sent them a quick smirk.

"If you keep using 'we', they most definitely will. So, which one?"

"Both, each for their own reasons."

Gregor waited until Percy finished the dish in front of him before continuing.

"How was your father?"

"He tried to wake us up at 4am to swim. In a freezing sea. Except that, he's cool. Oh, and he somehow thinks we're interested in dropping everything here, move to Greece and follow in his footsteps. But hey, it's cool."

Gregor's fork fell from his hand, along with his jaw.

"You want to go to Greece!?"

"No, we'll give him hell if he tries to make us go there, that's why we say it's cool."

Grover leaned back, crossing his arms, puzzled.

"... I don't feel irony coming from you, which is a first."

Percy shrugged, looking at the remaining food to decide his next target.

Do you want to answer that one?


"Like you said yourself, Peter was kind of lost, so knowing where he doesn't want to go kinda gave his life a direction somewhat. Even if he's still not sure what he wants, knowing what he doesn't want narrows the possibilities."

"How exactly did your father react when you told him this?"

Percy looked back at his friend with a pleasant smile and his voice was light, which Gregor correctly interpreted as fury raging below the surface.

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