57-Got Pregnant by KWON

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"Where did I left it? Damn, I'm getting forgetful as I get older." I stepped out of the elevator looking left and right and went to JiYong's hospital room. "Is it here?"

I dropped my house keys somewhere but I don't know where exactly. I just hope JiYong's sleeping so I can sneak into his room without his monsterly aura screaming at my face.

I slowly turned the door knob and prayed to God that JiYong's in a good mood or I hope that he's sleeping.

I stepped in carefully and closed the doors behind me silently. I stood up properly and looked around, getting ready for the roaring dragon but nothing came, JiYong's not here...?

"Where is the patient here? He can't even stand so where is that bossy dragon?" I checked again, looking around but when I literally saw nothing, I just huffed an air and continued walking, "Maybe Dara took him somewhere to get some fresh air..."

I went to the couch and squatted, "Maybe I dropped it here."

Those fucking keys were such a nuisance. Where the hell did it go?

I also checked the ground but all I can see were the little dusts on the tiled floor and a red liquid. It's a little thick though to be a juice or water. Someone spilled a juice in here or...?

My curiousity get through me and dropped my body, slowly approaching the liquid as I poked the red thingy, "Is this blood?"

I stood up while looking at the ground intently, why is there blood in h- "JIYONG?! KWON JIYONG?!

My head turned left and right to search for JiYong and I am panicking!

Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Oh fuck.

Why was there a damn blood spill here?!

I stepped further to search behind the couch when my eyes landed on the edge side of the sofa, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the CEO was now lying on the floor while his legs were bleeding. His injury was bleeding, what the hell!

"JIYONG!" I sat frantically infront of him and grabbed his shoulder, "WAKE UP, ASSHOLE!"

I kept on shaking him but he's just not opening his eyes, "NURSE! NURSE! DOCTOR!"

I stood up clumsily and ran towards the door and opened it, my head popped out while yelling, "HOSPITAL PEOPLE! HELP US! DOCTORS! NURSE! WHERE IN HELL ARE YOU?!"


All of us were worried and agitating while waiting inside JiYong's room. SeungRi called us saying JiYong collapsed and was bleeding so all of us left everything and went here.

"You know that there's a button that you can press behind the bed when the patient's in danger right?" TaeYang asked while standing infront of SeungRi who's head was towards the ground, "When you press that, it notifies the nurse's desk and they will immediately respond."

"I know! I know!" SeungRi answered while still looking down, his voice were restrained.

"Then why were you yelling at the whole hospital like a crazy man?!" TaeYang huffed and I went beside him, tapped his shoulder to relax.

"I was panicking, okay?!" SeungRi yelled at us and glared at us.

"Why the hell are you glaring at me?" I asked with an irritated tone. "What did I do to you?!"

"I didn't know you were there." He answered softly then lowered his head again. "Sorry."

TaeYang and I looked at each other and just sighed. TaeYang went to where TOP was and I sat beside SeungRi.

Got Pregnant By Kwon (Completed DARAGON FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now