42-Got Pregnant by KWON

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I was busy scrolling my phone when a noise disturbed me. I got up from the couch when the door bell rang.

Who could it be? JiYong never buzzed the door bell and there's no way our friends knew where we're living.

I strode to the gate and opened it. JiYong might have something delivered for me, that's why.

"Hi. How may I help y- Mom?" My eyes almost popped out when I saw my mom with my dad outside our house. Is this real?!

"Mom! Dad!" I went to hug my mom but she dodged me and looked at me like I'm a stranger.

"What the hell Dara?!" Mom yelled as she looked at me from head to toe then her eyes stopped at my stomach, my little bump.

My happiness vanished even before it started.

They're judging me. They both just stood there, scrutinizing me. It's like they didn't miss me, like they never had a daughter.

"We're taking you home." Dad spilled, making me raise my eyebrows at them.

"No. I am home." I sternly answered.

"Dara, this place is not a home." Dad said.

"And where is my home? Because as far as I remember, I never had one." I spat those words without blinking. "Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"We are your parents!" Mom yelled in frustration.

I scoffed and smirked at them. "Parents?! Wow! I never thought I had one. "

Mom and Dad glared at me.

What's happening now? They never talked to me for the past decade and now they want me back? What a hilarious situation. Something's going on and I'm not liking it.

I watched as Mom whispered something to Dad which made me sweaty and anxious in my spot.

Dad faced me with his face full of authority. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not."

"NO!" I turned around to run inside the house but strong arms trapped me, unabling me to move any further.

"We're sorry, honey." Was all I heard before I felt something injected in my arm.

I felt hazy and my eyes were forcing itself to close. No... JiYong...


I arrived at the house and wondered why the lights were off. I took off my suit and opened the lights.

There's something uncomfortable here.

"Dara? My lady?" I called but the answer was cold silence. "Sandara?"

Still, everything was still.

Something's off. Something's wrong.

Where is my wife?

I dashed towards the kitchen, the basement, the garden, the pool but there was no sign of her. I ran upstairs and opened every door there is in search for my wife. But failed miserably.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Where are you, my lady?!" I yelled frantically.

No. No. No.

I went to our bedroom and she's not there. The sheets were in place, everything was clean, this place almost look like nobody lived here.

Fuck. Where could she be?!


My heart was beating fast and adrenaline wasn't coming down. Nervousness and fear crept to my chest and I am panicking.

Got Pregnant By Kwon (Completed DARAGON FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt