38-Got Pregnant by KWON

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I was busy watching a video on my phone on how to tie a tie when the doorbell rang.

I was busy watching a video on my phone on how to tie a tie when the doorbell rang

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I paused the video and stood up from the couch here in the living room.

It's very rare to hear that doorbell rang since nobody knows where JiYong and I are living. And JiYong doesn't press the doorbell button since it's our house and he knows the password.

I grabbed my robe and covered my body before opening the door. Oh well, here goes nothing.

"Mrs. Sandara Kwon?" A delivery guy appeared infront of me as soon as I pulled the gate open. "Mr. Kwon sent this to you."

I smiled at him and accepted the box that he's giving me. What is this?

"Mrs. Kwon, I need you to sign here." I smiled again at the guy and signed the paper. I'm really not used being referred to as Mrs. Kwon but I'll get the hang of it.

The delivery man smiled and thanked me before walking away.

I closed the door and sauntered inside the house with the box in both of my hands.

I went to the couch and placed the box in the center table.

The box was pink in color that was tied with a white ribbon. I pulled the ribbon and opened the box. The first thing I noticed was the letter above the paper that covered the thing that's inside this box. I picked it up and flipped it open.

My lady, wear this dress before 7 in the evening. We'll be going somewhere. -Your Husband

As I finished reading the note, the corners of my lips lifted uncontrollably.

Husband... Yeah, my husband sent me this.

I put down the note and opened the mysterious box completely. I was stunned and my jaw dropped when I saw what's inside. It's a red long dress and its long sleeves were laced.

I grabbed the fabric and felt how smooth it was.

This is the most elegant dress I've ever seen so far in my whole life. And I get to wear this?!

This is unbelievable. The color itself already screams wealth and the design of the fabric was so detailed. It was a floral red dress and I am totally fascinated by it.

But what is this for?

I put down the dress carefully. I don't want to scratch it since I can't afford to pay it.

I grabbed my phone and dialed JiYong's number.

"What's this?" I asked immediately when he answered.

"Well, hello to you too, my lady." He sarcastically stated and I can imagine him grinning right now.

"What is this Kwon?" I asked again, trying hard not to smile.

Got Pregnant By Kwon (Completed DARAGON FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now