Part 67: Reminiscense

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(Oh my god! I retrieved my password finally! Sorry guys to keep you waiting. I will edit part 65 first then you can come back to this part after I finished it.

If you are not upset with me, please vote for this part and tell me what you really. I appreciate it so much.


"Hon, I'm starving?" Type rubbed his tummy.

"We'll find a restaurant here, hon" Tharn feels worried.

"Let's just go home hon. Eating there is better. I miss our home."

"Wait a secod hon... Wait for me here, I'll go find something to eat. I don't want my baby to be hungry." He kissed Type's head and hurriedly walked to find a nearby restaurant or food shop.

Type looked at his husband going away from him to find something for lunch.

He is such a lucky husband. He is treated like a queen. And Tharn is his king. A very sexy, handsome, caring, affectionate husband.

Thinking how he is lucky, his hunger disappears. He smiles.

While waiting for Tharn, Type recalls his excitement he feels during their wedding, honeymoon, and trips together.

He really now adjusts to the wind and grind of real life. He realises that he has a partner to share in his joys and sorrows.

He become more so used to him. He feels more comfortable being the real him.

Being a good husband is not something that comes naturally to him. But he learns that putting himself second and Tharn first becomes his goal.

Tharn is not only his husband. He is his best friend.

They are married couple who are much more than just man and man; they are best friends. They are partners in life.

He learns that it is best to get into the habit of going to the other first when something important happens in his life. Just like his promotion.

Type learns also, from simple situations like just the way he would pick up his phone to tell his friend all about the exciting event that happened, his first instinct should be to tell Tharn because he is his closest and dearest person.

In the same way, if Tharn comes to him with something, he should be able to share in his feelings about it and help him if he needs it.

Tharn shows to him that he love him, be there for him. He is protective but never abuse him.

Some men ignore if someone else insults their partner, but Tharn is not like that.

Tharn loves Type and he shows to him that everday.

Type learns to protect Tharn, the same way he is protected by him. They support each other.

Type smiles. In his mind, from now on he wants to let people know that he is always at Tharn's side, come what may. He won't feel any embarassment anymore when talking about same sex marriage which he did before to Earth.

Type is at the peak of realization when Tharn is coming towards him carrying bags of take out food.

Tharn looks so handsome!

Most men don't care about their physical appearance once they are married but Tharn is different.

Tharn never stop putting any kind of effort into his appearance after they become too comfortable with each other.

Tharn looks more handsome each day. He make an effort to look good for Type.

Sometimes, when he wakes up, he sees Tharn grooming and he would say "Hon, you're already handsome. Don't be so handsome or else they will take you away from me!"

Tharn would always answer him, "Hon, this is only for you. Only for you." Then he would kiss him for the compliment he receives from his husband.

Then Type stops teasing his husband appreciates it because he knows he is going through the effort for him.


What are you smiling at?" Tharn asked him.

"Aren't you tired of me? You just did this for me again. Finding a food for your hungry husband." Type said.

"I will never get tired doing this for you, hon. I love you!" Tharn said.

Taxi came. They helped each other to load their luggages.

Tharn pulled Type's head on his right shoulder. "We're getting close now to our home hon. Don't worry. You must be tired." He kissed his head again.

Type closed his eyes.

Tharn just stared at his husband. He looks cute. He started recalling the moments he first saw him.

Type was the most sensitive guy he ever met. But he made him meek like this now. Type became caring and affectionate like him now.

Tharn smiled at the sleeping husband. He is so happy. Thinking about how he change Type to become who he is now. It is challenging for him make Type open up and show his love. It is a worthwhile endeavour. It is his greatest achievement as a husband.

Tharn loves romance and like it when Type shower his love on him. Tharn is so romantic with him which lead Type to be romantic to him in return.

Type knows now how to give him random kisses throughout the day or hug him and tell him that he love him. These little acts both brighten their days.

Tharn remembers the time when he asked about Type landing a teaching job.

Type laughed at first. But when he felt he was embarassed, Type hugged him and kissed him while saying "If you have a goal you want to work towards, do it. You can do anything you want to do. I'm always here to support you hon. Seriuosly."

"So why you laughed at me?" Tharn said.

"Because... How can I call you now? Uhmmm Ajarn Tharn?" Type teased him. (Ajarn means master or sir or professor).

They both laughed.

They are almost close to their home. Type is still taking a nap. Tharn doesn't stop caressing his husband's head. He thinks how Type has flaws and faults but Tharn loves them. He truly love him. True love is accepting the bad with the good.

The reason why Tharn always have a patience to Type is that he focuses on all the good things about him and ignore the things he doesn't like. But he likes everything about Type anyway.

Only jealousy and distrust that really bothers him. But Type becomes an understanding partner now. Whenever Tharn talks to him about misunderstanding, Type listens now.

And the previuos thing Type did for him made him feel that Type has changed for the better: the surprise flower dinner party.

Type is now very good in surprising him with such romantic things.

Tharn was about to kiss Type's lips when he heard the taxi driver, "We' re here now sir."

----------------------to be continued-------------------

(Thank you for coming back to this part. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I lovevyou all dear readers!?

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