Part 43: Two More Fathers

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"What are you writing," Tharn asked Type who is writing a note from a piece of paper.

"A letter to Tee. I'm saying, if he's decided, he can go to Bangkok, and call me." Type finished writing. He folded twice and put in his pocket.

"Write my mobile number as well. In case, your low bat."

Type wrote Tharn's mobile number. Then he stood up straight, held Tharn's hands and said, "Thank you, baby. Thanks for supporting what I want."

"Always." Tharn kissed his Type's forehead gently.

The couple checked out. Then they went to the small room of Tee. They were surprised to see Boom standing on the doorstep alone. There is a block up to his knee so he cannot go out. It's like he is in prison, waiting for his father to arrive.

Type carried up the poor little boy. "Boom..."

The little boy was astonished for a few seconds. But when he recognized them, he smiled and said, "Pa..p..pp..a!"

"Have you heard that? He called me Papa!" Type delightfully said to Tharn.

Tharn got the kid from Type. The little boy also said to him, "!"

"Yes baby! I'm also your Papa!" Tharn said smilingly.

"Tharn, where's Tee?"

"He must have gone sailing. He must have gone to work. It's Sunday today."

"But who's taking care of his son? He said his neighbor looks after him." Type looked around and no one is taking care of him.

"He looks hungry. Thirsty. Give some milk." Tharn feels worried. He went inside the small room. He had to sway because his height is taller than the ceiling of the hot and small room. He found a baby bottle that is half full of milk on a floor.

Type went inside the room also and put on the note in the small clothes shelf. Under Boom's clothes. He then looked at Tharn and warned him, "That must be spoiled already, Tharn. Let's take him out and feed him."

They were about to leave the room when a stout old woman came rushing. "Hey misters, why are you taking Boom. He's under my care."

"We can take care of him, just for a little time. We will get back as soon as he's full. Don't you really take good care of him?" Type's tone is upset.

"Type, shhh..." Tharn whispered him.

"I fed him already." The woman said. "Who are you anyway?"

"We are his uncles!' Tharn said in a strong tone.

The woman's face showed disbelief. She covered her mouth with her two hands.

"Please misters, leave us alone. Don't take the child. Mind your own business. I'm getting paid taking care of him." The woman exclaimed. She forced to grabbed the kid from Tharn.

"We are not kidnappers. We are his uncles," Type said in a low tone. He controls his anger.

Boom starts to cry when he was carried by the woman. It's like he doesn't want the woman.

Tharn thinks something wrong with how the woman treats the kid when Tee is out.

"How much does you get from taking care of him? How much does Tee pay you" Tharn asked the woman.

The woman, upon hearing Tee's name made believe that the two strangers are Boom's uncles.

"200 Baht a day. I mean, whenever Tee is out, he gives me 200 Baht."

Tharn picked out his wallet and got out 500-Baht bill. "Here, take this. Give us Boom and we will give him to you back after few minutes, OK?"

The woman, without thinking twice now, passed on the kid to Type. "I never thought Boom has family or relatives. I have known him for quite a long time."

As soon as Boom was carried by Type, he stopped crying.

They left the woman with a puzzled look.

While they are on a car, Tharn, with Boom on his lap, googled on his mobile phone "What toodlers eat?". Type is driving the car.

They went to the nearest supermarket to find food for toddlers.

Tharn carrying Boom, who is comfortable with him, dictates what to pick inside the supermarket. Type does the picking of everything they need to buy.

People who look at them thinks they are real family! Boom is a lovely little boy and the couple are both extraordinary handsome. No wonder, even cashiers, giggled at them.

They bought cereals, milk, baby bottle, and everything Tharn saw on google.

"Ah Miss, can we ask for a hot water 3/4 of this, from your thermos? And can you heat these at the oven?" Type asked the cashier of the 7-Eleven store.

"Sure!" The lady gave her sweetest smile. She took the baby bottle with milk powder and ready-to-eat food.

"Your baby is so adorable!" The lady said when she finished granting their request. "He got his eyes from you and his white skin complexion from him."

Tharn and Type looked at each other first, then looked and nodded at the cashier and both said "Yeah!!!"

They were laughing while walking towards the table and bench.

There, they fed first the baby.

What a cute family!

"Are you full?" Tharn asked Boom.

Boom touched Tharn's face amd nodded.

"Is Papa Tharn handsome?" Type asked the little boy.

He nodded and said "Papa Thhhha..nn!"

"And me, Papa Type, am I more handsome?"

He nodded quickly and said, "Han...summ... Pap.. Tap!"

Type wiped Boom's face with a napkin after he drinks the water.

After feeding Boom, the couple bring him to a mall. They went straight to a big Department store: Central Festival. They bought clothes for the boy. They even changed his clothes. The little boy looks like a toddler model in an instant. He looks rich now.

Then they went to the nearest park and played with the little boy afterwards. Boom can hardly runs. He walks so slow. In a slow pace. This is because he is just inside his small and unhealthy room. Perhaps, Tee, never bring his son at the park anymore because of a tiring work and low income. What a pity little boy.

This must be the happiest day of Boom. He experienced for the first time, perhaps, riding on a beautiful car, strolling at the supermarket, and playing at the park.

"Opps! Come on here." Tharn carried Boom. "Type, let's have a selfie. Bring out your mobile phone."

A lady passerby saw them having selfies. She stopped by and offered to take them a picture together.

"Nice photo! What a handsome family!," the lady giggled with admiration.

--------------------to be continued-----------------------

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