Part 31: The 'Monkeys'

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"No!" Tharn shouted as he jumped off the boat. "I'll check this place first."

The boatman scratched his head. "I have to fetch another customer after lunch. We have to go back now. I'm sure they're not here."

"You can go back now. Here's my card. You have to call me so I will pay you. And please come back here. Come back here to get me. I'll double the payment. Or triple. Please..." Tharn is panicking now.

The boatman got the card. "Ok. Ok brother. I'll be right back."

Tharn walked past the wilderness. He cannot appreciate the beauty of nature. His heart is pounding. He is very worried to his husband Type. He is thinking of Type. That's what matters to him.

He can only hear chirping birds and the sound of the trees, grasses, and other island animals.

He slowly climb up the hills. The trail is rocky. Sharp rocks.

Finally, he saw a nipa hut about 20 meters away from where he is now. He feels hopeful.

When he gets on the top of the hill, where the hut is located, he saw two people lying on the wooden bed. And his heart pounds more as he goes closer.

The nipa hut has no walls so he can see clearly now who are lying together - his husband Type and Rome.

About 1 meter away, he stopped. He was so furious. The sight that Type is lying with another man. "What the ...!" he shouted that startled the sleeping two men.

Type got up quickly. "Baby!"

With extreme happiness, he ran towars Tharn and hugged him so tight. But Tharn pushed him away that made Type sat on the grassy ground.

"What is this? Huh? What is this all about?" Tharn started to cry like a baby.

Rome got up already also and was shocked and speechless. He is not moving. He is just watching the couple.

Type started to cry also. "Baby... It's not what you think." He grabbed Tharn's leg and tears keep on bursting from his eyes.

Tharn saw the bandage of Rome. It's the torn shorts of Type. He realized what happened now without asking.

He raised Type up and kissed his lips gently. Type kissed him in return as if they really missed each other.

"Rome's got injured. And the boat was stolen by thieves. I was tired making attempts to get attention by some boat passers if any. Or any one who can see us here. But no one can see us, no one can hear us. My shorts is ..." Tharn kissed Type passionately to stop him from explaining.

"Baby, don't talk. I'm sorry. I knew already. I understood now. I'm just scared to lose you." Tharn smiled at him now. Tears still keep bursting from his eyes. Tears of joy.

Then they both wiped their tears. Type wiping Tharn's tears, while Tharn wiping Type's tears with hands.

"Don't cry now baby..." Tharn kissed Type's head.

"It hurts. You pushed me down." Type touched his butt.

"I'm sorry baby." He grabbed Type's butt and caressed it gently.

They walked together to the hut and sat while still holding hands.

Rome was ashamed of what has happened to them. It was all his fault. "I'm sorry guys. It's my fault. I should have not sailed the boat here."

Tharn pat his shoulder. "It's alright now, Rome. It's just an accident."

Tharn came to his senses suddenly that Type is just wearing a white brief. He immediately undress his T-shirt and his shorts to clothe Type.

Tharn is the one who is wearing a white brief now. Only white brief.

"Baby... Hide your ..." Type is referring to his bulge. He undress the T-shirt and covered Tharn's bulge.

Rome is smiling at the two now. He suddenly thinks about Gun. "Good that you're reunited now. I'm worried about my husband. He might be awakened now and must be looking for me now. He must be worried now as well."

"Don't worry. The boatman I hired to come here went back foe a while. He has customers to fetch first. Let's wait for him." Tharn said. He pat again Rome's shoulder.

"Baby, I'm thirsty and hungry." Type said all of a sudden. "I'm sure Rome feels the same."

"You must stay here with Rome. I passed by a papaya tree with ripened fruits down there."

"I'll go with you baby."

"No. Stay here. You're weak now. Hungry and thirsty. I'll get papaya fruits quickly."

He had about 5 steps but returned and pull Type gently. "I can't three papaya fruits by myself." His teasing smile to Type means "I'm jealous when you're beside another man. So come with me."

Type easily understood Tharn's look at him. He just smiled and followed Tharn going down the cliff.

"Here. I can carry you." Tharn offered his back.

"Crazy. We might fall together. Instead of only Rome injured, we might get all injured and die here." Type said laughing now.

"This is the least I can do then." Tharn grabbed and hold his hand.

"How can I hold to the trees, to the branches, or to the rock if you hold me like this."

"Ok. Be safe darling. Just look at me closely. Follow what I do. Step on here. Here. And here."

"Oh, I'm better than you!"

They reached the lower part of the hill where there are lots of papaya trees with ripe fruits.

"My husband monkey, here, you eat first. The juice of the papaya will quench your thirst." Tharn offered him the first pick.

"Uhmm it's sweet. Do monkeys like papayas?" Type said while eating now tha papaya fruit.

"Yes, they do." Tharn eats also now.

"Aren't bananas that monkeys like to eat the most." Tharn asked with a wrinkled forehead.

"Yes. Mr. Monkey. I know you want to eat my banana now." Tharn teased Type who's face turned red after hearing what he just said.

Then Tharn grabbed Type's right hand and have him grabbed his manhood.

"This is the banana you like the most, my handsome monkey!" Tharn said with a sexy look.

"!!!" Type pinched Tharn's penis jokingly. "This is not a banana. This is a bomb!"

And they laughed and kissed each other.

What a cute couple! Almost naked couple in a beautiful island.

----------------to be continued--------------------------

(I hope you like the update today and please vote for this part. Thank you guys!)

HUSBAND&HUSBAND (The Married Life of Tharn&Type)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora