Part 68: The Couple's Back

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Almost noon when the couple reached home.

Rome, who is on the veranda of their house, saw the couple unloading their luggages. He moved towards the gate to greet the couple after the taxi left.

"You're back," he smiled. He seemed feel happy to see the couple after over a week of not seeing them.

The couple did the wai.

"How are you now?" the couple uttered tge same words.

"I'm fine now" Rome answered. He showed his injured leg.

"It's hot. Why are you outside?" Tharn looked up the sky. The heat of the sun is really scorching.

"Ah I just greeted you so you would notice me. It's nice seeing you both again. I'll going on our veranda now." Rome turned back.

"Rome, say hi to  Gun!" Tharn shouted before opening their gate.

Rome faced the couple, "I will. He's not home since last night." Rome answered with a sad look.

"Where is he?" Type stopped entering their gate.

"I don't know. We had a small argument yesterday. He just leff without a single word."

"Why won't you join us for lunch. Come..." Type invited him. He feels pity for Rome.

"Yes! Come on!" Tharn said.

Hesitantly, Rome went out from their gate and joined the couple.

The couple bought lunch before they took the taxi.

Tharn cooked additional dishes while Type set up the table.

"What happened?" Type asked Rome. They are having their lunch now.

"Hon..." Tharn held Type hand signalling him not to talk about it yet since they are still eating. It could make Rome feel sadder.

Rome sensed Tharn from stopping him to open the matter. "Oh i'ts ok to talk about it. Well, he came late for dinner and the food was cold already. He forgot our anniversary. I said a little bit but he said I was nagging him. He went out."

The couple looked at each other. They feel even more pity for Rome.

"But that's ok. I know him. He has been like that." Rome said.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine between you again." Type awkwardly said.

"Thank you."

"How's your wound?" Tharn asked. This time, Type hold Tharn's hand. He signalled his husband not to talked about the wound during meal time. It could lessen the appetite.

"Oh it's healing now. I'm taking antibiotics."

"I feel sorry for what happened." Type said.

"Thank you for your concern. You two have concern to me than my husband..." Rome started to feel sad again.

Tharn hold Type's hand again and face him. It's like saying "I told you not to talk about it hmmm".

"Rome, don't feel that way ok?" Tharn said.

Rome nodded his head. "I feel shy to both of you. Your marriage is an ideal one. Ours is the opposite."

"Don't be shy. And don't feel that way ok?" Type said.

Rome nodded his head. "Thank you."

"We are your friends. You can open things like that to us. We are here to listen to you. You need someone to listen to you."

"That's right. I feel like a lot of things are running here on my head. I'm happy to see you back." Rome smiled.

"So how's your online business?" Tharn intently changed the topic.

"We'll it's growing. It's a good decision for us to hire staff. Before, only the two of us do everything. Now we have marketing staff, selling staff, and delivery." Rome said.

Rome and Gun have been managing fitness apparel and supplements online.

"That's the best thing when you work at home. You just do it online." Tharn nodded.

"Yup. But I miss going out for work just like you and Type. It's exhausting actually to just sitting down and facing your desktop." Rome said.

"That's what I do in the office" Type said.

"My job as a professor is also exhausting. Standing, talking, teaching, ... something like that. The most tiring job in the world." Tharn said.

"But I prefer those jobs. I mean, waking up early in the morning, taking a shower, then feeling the rush of the day! I miss it. I really miss my old life" Rome said.

The three after their lunch had a long conversation at the living room.

The couple knew more about Rome and Gun.

Rome, before marrying Gun, was a government employee. He joined male pageants at the same time for extra income. Joining the last pageant was the first time he met his husband Gun who was also a candidate that time.

When they married, they put up the online selling business.

Gun's family are migrated in U.S. Gun was doing the pageant out just for fun while Rome joined for income. Gun belongs to a well to do family while Rome belongs to a normal Thai family.

Rome's hometown is in Khonkaen while Gun is in Bangkok. They're opposite in many ways. A farm guy and a city guy. But the things they have in common are body fitness and joining male beauty pageants. They are both handsome.

Rome was very naive and shy. Gun is the opposite.

Gun courted Rome. It took only a week when Rome gave his heart to Gun.

The first days, weeks, months and years, Gun didn't show any bad things to him. It was like a fairytale for Rome. Finding a rich, sexy and a handsome guy.

But actually, Gun is luckier. Rome is more handsome, sexier, and a perfect husband material. He is very loyal and affectionate.

But he was neglected by Gun. Gun got bored of him and went back to his past vices. He started going out at night, sneaking out, and leaving Rome unnoticeably at night. He goes to bars and returns home early in the morning. Even worse, he comes back home late.

That started Gun to nag his husband. Gun doesn't like it. He threated Rome to leave him if he doesn't accept him to who he is.

Rome only cries. He cries alone most of the time because if he cries in front of Gun, he will be called so dramatic.

So Rome started being strong and trying to save their marriage. He loves Gun very much. Gun said even he has still lots of flings, he promised Rome to be his only love.

Though it is hard to think that his husband is sleeping with other guys, he tries to be strong and numb. And dumb.

---------------------to be continued---------------------

(Comment if youbread this part then please go back to Part 67. That part has been edited. Thank you for your support.)

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