Part 53: To Surat Thani Soon

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"Hello Mr. Damrong" Type answered. He wondered why Tawan is calling him.

"Hello Type. I want to ask a big favor from you." Tawan said.

"Anything sir." Type replied.

"I've heard you and Tharn planned to go to your hometown Surat Thani tomorrow?"

"Yes sir."

"And Koh Pangan island there is really the best place to relax this weekend. I want Earth to be with you. Since he came back from studying abroad, he never had a relaxing break. If you don't mind Type to please bring him with you?"

"Oh sure sir! My pleasure to tour him around!" Type said without hesitation but deep inside of him he was surprised Dos relayed his plan going out of town again to someone.

"He told me a while ago and I felt he wanted to go but he is shy to tell you."

Type looked at the empty chair of Earth. Earth went out to have a coffee break.

"His last time going to Thailand beach was when he was 16 years old before he studied abroad. When he heard from Dos, he called me to ask your permission to go with you." Tawan added.

"Ok sir. I will tell him that he's very much welcome. And I want to tell him not to be shy to me." Type laughed.

"Maybe it's also time for both of you to have a nice bonding. I know that you're doing your best to train him to be a good leader like you" Tawan said.

Type felt guity. He was actually building gap between them. It's been a month of being cold with each other in their office. They seldom talk. They talk only when greeting good mornings and goodbyes.

After he talked to Tawan, Type looked at Dos' desk. He was not there. He is sure Dos is with Earth at the moment.

And he is right. He saw the two coming back to the office.

Earth smiled at him before he sat on his swivel chair and started looking at the desktop screen. He continued working.

Type shook his head observing Earth. After few minutes, he stood up to approach Dos.

"Dos!" he interrupt Dos from browsing the internet.

Dos was startled. He knew why Type is staring at him like he is going to bite him.

"Boss! I will explain!" Dos said nervously.

"Don't call me boss" Type whispered. "Let's go to the conference room and we will talk a delicate matter."

Dos is shaking. He followed Type.

"You're the only one who knew Tharn and I are going ti Surat Thani. And you know also that it is not for fun. It is for Tee and his son. Why did you tell that to Earth?"

Dos slapped his mouth three times. "This mouth! This talkative mouth, boss! I'm sorry!"

"Don't call me boss! I don't have a subordinate who is a gossiper!" Type said in a loud voice.

"Mueang,... let me explain. Don't be furious. If you won't smile, I won't explain." Dos said.

"Ok mueang! Explain!"

"Well, Earth saw your leave form. He asked me why you always file a leave form. He asked me if there is something wrong with you. If do you have a problem. A health problem that you don't tell to us."

"Why the hell he cares?"

"I don't know?"

"He is actually getting into my nerves. Since he came, he always checks on me. And you... you mueang is tolerating him. Is he your best friend here now? Not me anymore?"

"Mueang, you are still my best friend here! But since you became the Chief account executive, you seldom go out with me. You became so busy with your work."

Type laughed. He gave Dos a friendly hug. "You're trembling! This is still the same best friend of yours. I just want you to not tell every detail to Earth, ok?"

"You know me, Type! My mouth cannot lie. I'm not a gossiper. I'm just the type of a person who is caring, loving, and full of sympathy to others. I feel pity to Earth. He has no friends here. Don't you like to befriend him because you're the boss here? You're not the Type that I have known if you're so mean and unkind to him. He needs a company."

"Ok. Ok. Don't discuss me how to be kind."

"Ahhh you're smiling now. The old Type has come back! Ressurection!" Dos felt relief. He hugged Type so tight.

"Going back to Earth... How can I tell him it's ok to go with us in Surat Thani? Mr. Damrong called me and requested me to take him with us."

"So easy, mueang! Just tell him Face to face. Why is it that you are so rude to him."

"I'm not rude to him."

"Why are you so formal to him? You're a strict boss. You look scary."

"I thought you knew already why?"

"How will I know? We seldom talk lately as well!"

"Come closer." Type signalled Dos with his right hand. He whispered something to Dos.

"What? Jealous?" Dos screamed.

"Tharn would be jealous if I'm close to any guy."

"Remember the first time he came to the office? When I introduced him to Boss Tawan? He was so jealous and he warned me not to get close to any guy."

Dos nodded. He remembers it.

"Is that the reason why you're avoiding me lately also?"

"Khon bah! Mueng! Only to those handsome guys, ok?"

"Ohoi! So you admit that Earth is a handsome guy huh!"

"No! Tharn is the only handsome guy!" Type said.

"But you just said you're avoiding Earth, the same way you avoided Boss Tawan, because you don't want Tharn to get jealous."

Type nodded.

"I understand now."


"I have a bright idea, mueang!"

"What is it? And since when you have a bright idea to share?"

"Here. I will go with you too! I will go to Surat Thani too!"


"Ok. That's really a brilliant idea!"

"So... Talk to Earth now. Tell him that we are welcome to your parents' beach resort in Koh Pangan!" Don ran towards the sliding door.

"Hey wait!" Type said.

"I have to be in a hurry. I have to file my leave form now. I'm so excited!" Dos said and left him."

-----------------------to be continued-------------------

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