Part 18: Love After The Fight

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"Give me the key!" Type commanded Tharn. He will drive the car.

Tharn gave the key. They both quietly got in the car. No words until they got home.

Type opened the gate, then the door without looking back behind Tharn who just followed him all the way to their living room.

Type went inside their bedroom while Tharn left in the living room and laid back on the sofa.

Inside the bedroom, there is a bathroom so Type went to the bathroom to have a shower. He didn't mind Tharn sleeping on the living room. He didn't call Tharn to come inside to sleep on their bed.

The house is in silent mode

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The house is in silent mode. It's like there's a cold war between the couple.

After Type went out the bathroom, He saw Tharn fall asleep already on the sofa. He didn't wake him up. He went straight to the bedroom and laid on their bed.

Tharn, though feeling dizzy, is still observing Type. He is expecting Type will call him to say sorry and then to go to bed. But minutes has passed, Type is so insensitive of his feeling. He was left on the sofa, crying silently.

Tears keep falling. He can still remember the face of Type and Earth enjoying each other's company. Thinking about this, Tharn is feeling heartbroken. Feeling he has no value to Type. Type just ignored his feelings tonight. His headache and his heartbreak made him feel asleep.

On the otherhand, it's already almost midnight but Type can't sleep

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On the otherhand, it's already almost midnight but Type can't sleep. He is thinking of what happened: why and how they had a fight, the way Tharn made a scene, and the eyes of his colleagues staring at them at the congratulatory party, and how these all started.

Now, he feels guilty. He realizes his fault. He got up and went to see Tharn who is fast asleep. He sat on the sofa, lifted Tharn's head nd put on his lap. He feels shy of himself why he left Tharn here feeling sad, alone and cold. He kissed his head, "Tharn, let's go to bed now."

"Hmmm,"Tharn opened his eyes. He looked at Type's face. Type is not mad now. "I'm sorry, Type."

Type caressed his forehead, "You don't have to say sorry. It was my fault. I should say sorry."

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