Part 42: Couple's Talk

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Tharn got 2 beer in cans from the refrigerator and followed Type who is sitting on the seashore.

"Here you are. What makes my love so sad suddenly?" Tharn wrapped Type from behind after he gave the cold beer.

Type who's looking at the distance said, "I miss suddenly my dad. Tee is a good father. He reminds me of my dad. Just like him, he provides everything for his son."

"That's right. I remember the first time I met your dad. After you said that I was your boyfriend, he passed out." Tharn chuckled.

"Tharn?" Type faced Tharn.


"What happens to Boom if something bad happens to Tee? Let's say, he sailed, and never went back home because he got accident? Or what if Tee dies, who will take care of his son?"

"Ohhh... Is that what's bothering you?"

Type nodded.

"Don't forget that there are still lots of good people like you out there, baby." Tharn said.

"I pity about his son. His feeling of longing for his father. Though, he may be living with new family or may be adopted by new parents, the longing of his father is too much to bear." Type is really sad.

Tharn, for the first time, sees the new character of his husband. Type always says he hates kids crying. He does not want babies crying. Now he knows why Type does not want kids around. It is the cry, the sound, the noise, the pain, the sadness, of the children, that Type does not want.

"Is that the reason why you don't want to have a child?" Tharn asked him.

Type faced him again. He answered, "It's easy to make a baby. I can make a baby. But I love you. I don't want to do it with a woman."

"Test tube babies. Have you heard those? Or adoption?" Tharn said.

Type nodded. "Now, I don't have that in my mind. I want to take care only you. It sounds selfish but I also want you to take care only me. As long as you are with me. As long as you won't leave me, I won't ask for anything else in this world." Tears start to fall.

Tharn wiped his tears, kissed his head, and said, "How dare you think about me leaving you? Today, I was scared. The thought that something bad happens to you,... I can't even even explain how scared I was."

Type put on the sand the beer in can he's holding to face Tharn. He hugged his husband so tight. "Promise me, no matyer what happens, let us remain like this, ok?"

"I promise."

"Even I nag you often. No matter how stubborn I am. No matter I'm impatient, hot tempered, ..." he didn't continue to speak. Tharn kissed him passionately.

"Remember our wedding vows? Have you forgotten our most special day? Hmmm..." Tharn's eyes starts to swell. Tears are about to fall.

"Today, when I was in the island with Rome, I felt so scared. I felt so scared that you felt the same."

"Because our hearts beat the same now. We are one. Body and soul, we are one."

"What will you do if tonight I'm not here beside you? If I'm still in the island. Stranded in the island?"

"I will not stop looking for you. I will not stop searching all the islets near or far from here."

"Was that why you jumped off the boat, and searched me by yourself?"

Tharn nodded.

"What if you went to the wrong direction of that island, and you didn't find me?"

"How would I not find you? I would go anywhere just to find you. That was just an island. If you go missing in this whole wide world, it is still possible for me to find you. I would only stop finding you if I have no breath."

"You're really good in words. You always make me believe you." Type kissed Tharn's lips passionately.

"Loving is believing. Loving is trusting."

"I believe in you. I trust you. I'm lucky to find you. I made the right decision when I chose you." Type said teary-eyed.

"Stop crying now. We won't get separated from now on. Wherever you go, I will go. That's what you did lately, didn't you?"

Tharn is referring about Type coming to Pattaya, to check on him. Tharn had seminar, work matters, but Type came to guard him. It means that Type can't even sleep without Tharn on his side.

Type pushed Tharn. He was ashamed of what he did: not trusting Tharn.

Tharn pulled him back and hugged again. "I like it. I like what you did. I like everything about you, baby."

"I trust you. But I don't trust them?" Type said.


"Those who flirts with you. Those who are around you. Those who are hanging with you, except Tong of course."

"And why don't you trust them?"

Type push Tharn again. "Do you still need me to answer that?"

Tharn smiled and nodded. He wants to loosen Type's emotion a bit. He is emotional. They are both emotional so he wants to tease him a little bit.

"You want me to answer that, really?"

"It's ok if you won't?"

Type hugged Tharn and said, "I don't trust them because everybody likes you. Because you are too handsome and too sexy and too accomodating especially when you are drunk!"

Tharn laughed out loud. Type praising him is one of the strangest things Type does.

Type pushed Tharn hard that made Tharn lie on the sand. "You're making fun of me!"

Tharn grabbed Type's body and tilt Type's head on his broad chest. "Ok baby, don't get mad at me. I promise, I won't be drunk anymore. Or I will just be drunk if I'm with you, so that you will protect me from harm."

"You're teasing me again. If you're drunk, I'm scared of you?" Type said.

"And why is that so?" Tharn caressing Type's hair

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"And why is that so?" Tharn caressing Type's hair.

"Because when you're drunk, you are a sex monster to me!" Type grabbed Tharn's bulge.

--------------------to be continued-----------------------

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