Part 11 : Grannies Know Best

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"Grandpa, grandma, sawasdee ton chow krub" Type did the wai to the elders. A way of greeting and respect.

"Oh ho! So lovely boy here!" grandma who was setting up the table for breakfast.

"Where's your equally handsome better-half? Come here, sit and the breafast is almost ready," grandpa said to him.

"Tharn is up there. I think he's not feeling well. Hi has a fever, grandpa, grandma" Type sounds so worried.

"Did you go swimming last night? Overnight swimming? Don't swim when you just had a long trip.He caught a flu perhaps." Grandma said. Feeling worried also.

Grandma knows Tharn loves to go swimming to their spacious pool everytime he comes from Bangkok.

"No grandma. We didn't go for a swim."

"Why then is he not feeling well?" grandpa asked.

"Did you fight? Argue?" grandma sensed.

"No grandma."

Hesitantly, Type told to them about the incident last night.

"Ohhh, let him rest for a while. It will vanish soon... Come here. Have your breakfast now. don't worry. My little man is healthy. It's just a hangover. It's normal."

Type was relieved when he heard what the old man has said

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Type was relieved when he heard what the old man has said.


Tharn woke up late. This time, Type is the one who is not around. It's his first time also waking up beside his husband since they were married. He still has a headache due to what he drank last night. He remembers what happened last night. Everything. He feels embarassed of himself.

 He feels embarassed of himself

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He looked for his iphone. It is already charging on the table. Type did it.

He went to the shower. He looked himself at the mirror. His face looks pale. His eyes are reddish. He cried like a baby last night. He felt embarassed again thinking what he has done.

After taking a shower, he went downstairs. Type, together with his grandparents, are now having their breakfast. As he went down the long stairs, they all looked up at him. Type smiled at him. He felt embarassed.

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