Part 26: The Confirmation

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"You think I forgot our bet huh?" Tong asked Tharn while they're having dinner. They are both looking at Bob, who is sitting beside Jira.

"They seem so close. Bob is not gay, I'm sure P Jira and P Bob are couple!" Tong whispered to Tharn.

"You better start flirting with him tonight. This is your last chance if you want to know the truth" Tharn teased Tong.

"Ok, tonight. Since you and Type are OK now, I won't meddle in the two of you anymore."

"Thanks buddy!"

Tonight is the last night of their seminar. As expected, there will be a last night dinner party, a culminating program.

After dinner Tong and Tharn, together with the bandmates, went up the stage and started playing their respective musical instruments.

Jira is again the host/emcee of the night, as usual. She calls one by one each group leaders to give speeches about what they learned in the seminar. Also each group presented perfomances.

After those important parts of the program, karaoke singing started. Anyone can sing. Singing, drinking, talking.

Its windy since the venue is just along the seashore. The waves splashing can be heard amidst the noise of the party.

"Is Type on his way now?" Tong asked Tharn while looking at his wristwatch. It's already 11 past 8.

Tharn nodded.

They saw Bob, while holding a bottle of beer, stood up and then went out of the party venue. He is talking to someone over his phone.

"I have to stalk him!" Tong hurriedly stood up to follow Bob.

Tong saw Bob sitting on the sand of the seashore alone. He was about to approach him but a guy appeared and sat beside Bob.

Tong cannot hear what the two are talking about but he is sure that they are talking so serious. The guy is also holding a beer also. And the two are facing the sea.

"Stop doing your nonsense stalking and get back your ass back to our place. The drinks are not cold anymore, mueng!" Tharn pat Tong's shoulder.

"Shhhh. Look at P Bob. He's with a guy over there!" Tong whispered.

Tharn looked at the two guys. And then he wanted to walk close to them but Tong pulled him back.

"Wait, mueng!" Tong whispered. "What are you going to do?"

"I wanna make sure. I think I knew that guy. I think he's P Gun. He's our new neighbor. They came here with me yesterday. I rode on their car." Tharn said.

The spot where Bob and the guy is dark. Only some spotlights hitting them make them visible. After few seconds, they saw the two guys kissing.

"What the ...!" Tong almost screamed out loud. He covered his mouth with his hands.

"OMG!" Tharn said.

"Confirmed! P Bob is gay, mueng!" Tong uttered.

"I won!" Tharn said after pulling Tong back near the party venue. The music is loud now.

Tong, who is still in disbelief to what they saw, became quiet. He can't say any word.

"Mueng, 10,000 Baht!" Tharn started laughing.

They went back to the table. Still, Tong is speechless.

"Tong, don't be serious. I'm not going to get your 10,000 Baht OK?" Tharn is still laughing at his friend.



Tong stood up and hugged Tharn. "Thank you, thank you my friend!"

Tharn pushed Tong because he saw Jira coming towards them.

"Have you seen P Bob?" Jira asked the two friends. "He left me awhile ago. Until now he's not yet back."

"No P Jira. I didn't see him." Tong answered.

"If you see him, tell him I'm sleepy now. I have to go to my room now. My phone's battery ran out." Jira said.

"Ok krub." Tharn said.

"Does she know P Bob is gay?" Tong asked Tharn when Jira was out of their sight.

"I don't know, mueng!"

"You said the guy kissing P Bob is you neighbor?"

"Yes, I saw it with my eyes. He is Gun."

"I didn't expect that." Tong shook his head. "P Bob is manly. You can really never tell now who is gay and who is not, mueng?"

"Then why are you looking at me that way?"

"Just like the first time I saw you Tharn. I thought you're a straight guy. Tsk.. tsk.. tsk.."

Tharn bursted into laughter. "And what about you, mueng? Aren't you look masculine, too? You're stupid. We are in a modern world now." Tharn kicked jokingly the chair where Tong is sitting.

"Who is that guy? The guy our P Bob is kissing with?"

"Gun. He's married to Rome."

"Then why is he with P Bob now? Where is husband now?"

"Right! Why is he cheating Rome?"

"And why P Bob did just like that in a sudden. Do they knew each other a long time already or is it just a one-night stand thing. Or a gay app thing like Grinder or Hornet?"

"Don't judge them too quick, mueng. I know P Bob. He's a very decent man. I was really shocked today."

"Come on, mueng, get your ass up there. Let's go back there. I'm sure some more shocking scenes are happening now." Tong hurriedly stood up and walk towards the seashore again without minding If Tharn is going with him or not.

Tharn didn't follow him. He left shocking his head.

After few minutes, Tong came back. "They're gone!" he said. "I can't find them."

Tharn spank Tong's head. "You're a nosy one! Mind your own business, mueng!"

"Do you think this is normal, mueng?" Tong asked Tharn.

"You are not normal as well, asshole. Just sit and mind your own business ok?" Tharn poured beer on his glass.

"What if Type does that to you. Cheating you? Do you think that's normal?"

Tharn paused. The thought of what Tong has just said made him like freezed and silent for a while. Then he replied, "I know Type. He won't do such thing to me."

"How can you be so sure about it, mueng?"

Tharn gave Tong a fierce look. "I'm sure!!!"

Tong laughed so hard. He grabbed his glass and then poured some beer also. Then he toast to Tharn. "Let's toast for that trust and love you and Type both have! Cheers my friend!"

--------------------to be continued--------------------

HUSBAND&HUSBAND (The Married Life of Tharn&Type)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora