Part 5 : Sex Is The Best ...

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"Hon, let's have shower together" Type said. He's sitting on the sofa now, taking off his socks.

Tharn is feeling so surreal upon hearing what Type has just said. This is the first time Type invited him to have a shower together.

Tharn said, "Baby! After 15 minutes. We just arrived." He closed the door. Took off his shoes.

Type picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. "Tharn, sit on here then. Come on!" saying softly. Inviting him to sit beside him, to cuddle while watching. They had a long walk today. They did "window shopping", roamed around the bay, etc.

Tharn sat beside him. About 1 foot away from his husband. He intently waiting for his husband to drag near him.

 He intently waiting for his husband to drag near him

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And yes, Type pulled him to get closer. He let Tharn''s head tilt on his left shoulder.

Tharn looked up at his face and stole a kiss. Type still glued at the TV. He looks so tired but still handsome. He doesn't look burn out. And this sight made Tharn giggled secretly.

Silence. The husbands are now attentively watching the tv show. An extreme sports show. They're cuddling now. So sweet!

"Type?" Tharn suddenly uttered.

"Hmmm..." Type looked at his happy face. He smiled at him, "What?"

"Do you like Singapore?" Tharn asked. He felt shallow asking that simple question. "What a stupid question. Of course he does!" He just wanted to start a conversation with his husband.

Type nodded, "Yes." He kissed his husband.

Silence again. Tharn didn't know what to ask next. He is still smiling thinking how sweet Type is at the moment. Type, who's alternately playing with Tharn's hair, caressing him, and the best of all, kissing his forehead.

"Type?" He again uttered.


Tharn looked at his husband's face again and he saw him not watching TV anymore

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Tharn looked at his husband's face again and he saw him not watching TV anymore. His eyes are closed already. He hugged his husband tight and kiss his left cheek. "You're sleeping now."

HUSBAND&HUSBAND (The Married Life of Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now