Part 10 : Trouble and Hangover

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"Tharn's not back yet?" Type touching the spot where Tharn supposedly lying in is empty.

Type opened his eyes. Since he's married, this is the first time he opened his eyes without his husband lying next to him.

He looked at the digital clock beside the lampshade: 23:48.

He looked for his iphone. Turned off. Low battery. He plug in the charger to charge it.

He felt hungry so he got up. He opened the fridge to find something to eat. Then he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He turned on his phone and 3 messages from line messenger popped up. All coming from Tharn:

"We're here at Par Club."

"Hon, i'll send u d location. Come when u wake up. Use Gun's motorcycle, at the parking area"

"Location sent."

He dialed Tharn's number. Out of reach.

He went downstairs past midnight already.


Using a google map, Type reached the place.

He had a hard time walking in. Over crowded and so noisy place. Type doesn't like to go to discos, bars, clubs.

From about 7 meters away from where he is now, he saw Tharn finally in the middle of the dance floor. Tharn looks drunk. He was with a girl. He tries to walk closer towards his husband. When he is just a meter away, he saw the girl grabbed Tharn's arms, put on her shoulders while dancing, turned around and hugged by Tharn.

Type stopped for a while. About 5 seconds in shock. He can't stand the flirtatious moves of the girl. He wants to shout at them. He is about to walk out but when he saw the girl held Tharn's face and kissed him, he hurriedly walk closer towards them!

Type splitted them up. Without a word, but with a furious look, Type grabbed Tharn's left arm and left the astonished girl.

"Hey!" Type heard the girl screaming, following them.

They were outside of the disco pub already when Tharn came into his senses.

"Hon..." he said.

"You gross!" Type shouted at him.

"Let me explain hon..."

"No need to!"

He held Tharn's waist, put his arm on his shoulder and walked straight to where the motorcycle is parked.

"Hold me tight, you crazy!" Type grabbed Tharn's arms.

He is about to start the motorcycle when the girl appeared from behind them and shouted "Hey asshole! Don't you have manners?!!!"

"Hey miss, go home and learn right manners at home!" Type didn't control his anger.

"Hey miss, go home and learn right manners at home!" Type didn't control his anger

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