"Who is she?" | line blurb

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2.Who is she?


"Who is she?" You ask him, putting the dirty plates into the sink. You're completely calm and it scares after the news you just got. 

You didn't mean to look at his phone or to pry in any way, but when you removed the phone from the dining table to clean it after dinner, the text message came in the same second.

Unread message, 20:45: Are we still seeing each other tomorrow? I miss you.

"I can explain." Shawn says, putting down his phone on the table. 

"I don't want you to explain. I want you to tell me who she is." You fire back, eyes focusing on the plates in the sink. 

You don't want to look at Shawn, you hardly want to hear him speak, but you do need answers. Shawn sighs while scratching the back of his head, leaning against the counter next to you. 

"She's nobody." He hurries to say but you can tell he's lying from the stutter in his voice. 

"Obviously, she is." Though your hands are burning in the warm water, it hurts too much in your chest for you to notice. "Just tell me who, Shawn." You tell him, your patience with him running out. 

"She works with the team. Planning and booking, Andrew hired her a while back." He tells you and all you do is nod. 

The lump in your throat grows and you feel like you might be suffocating. The nausea reaches the surface and spreads in your stomach, for a few seconds you think your dinner might appear. Your head is still hovering above the sink with water and plates while your heart drops to your guts. 

"I swear it's nothing." Shawn says while placing his hand on your arm. You shrug him off seconds after, not wanting him to touch you. 

"Why does she miss my boyfriend?" Saying the words aloud makes you realise how sour they taste and you choke slightly. 

"I'm no-t sur-e." Shawn stutters, eyes darting around the room. "I'm not sure." 

"Don't lie to me, Shawn." You fire back immediately, looking straight into his eyes. Though you feel the anger in your veins, tears are still falling from your eyes. "I'm not in the mood for your lies." 

Shawn's heart drops when he hears your cries and he feel a heavy pressure on his chest from seeing the tears on your face. He never meant for this to happen, things got way out of hand. 

While you're standing there and looking at your boyfriend, you remember all the times he came home too late, all the phone calls he left the room to answer, all the times you didn't know where he was. 

"We got along well." He finally says, shutting his eyes to avoid look at you. "Right from when she was hired. I enjoy talking to her and she became a friend. A good friend." The words blur from his mouth but you're doubting his honesty. 

"But she's not just a friend." You mumble, feeling the yank in your heart from saying it aloud. 

You pull your hands from the water, leaning against counter when you suddenly begin to feel foggy. You shut your eyes to prevent the room from spinning and force a breath into your lungs, even breathing hurts at this point. 

There's a moment of silence between you, the tension hanging thick in the air, you can almost taste the bitterness on the tip of your tongue. 

"Maybe not." Shawn finally admits, tears slipping down his cheeks. "I don't know." 

You feel the knots in your stomach as your throat tighten, you clear your throat to loosen up but it doesn't seem to help. 

"Are you in love with her?" You sob, looking sideways to face him. 

"No, I'm not." He tells you, eyes looking directly into yours. "I'm in love with you." 

"Then why are you seeing this woman?" 

"I'm not seeing her, we're talking." 

"And that's not the same thing?" You interrupt him, raising your voice at his ignorance. "You kept this from me because you didn't want to get caught." 

Shawn wants to fight back, but he realises he has no ammunition. 

"Yes." He says in agreement, wiping tears with his sleeve. 

"What does she give you that I can't?" 

"Nothing. She gives me nothing. I don't know..." 

"You don't know?" You scream at him, choking on your tears. "You want to risk four years for something you don't know? Fucking hell, Shawn." You yell at him, smashing your hand into the counter. It hurts like hell, but you couldn't care less. 

"How many times has you lied about where you were to be with her?" 

"It's not like that." 

"Answer me, goddammit." 

"Too many." He admits to you and heart aches deeply. 

Shawn doesn't want to lose you but he knows he made a mistake. He had been feeling shitty and instead of turning to you, he went to another woman behind your back. 

It wasn't supposed to happen, but suddenly it had. 

You cover your face with your palms, crying into your hands. Your entire body is vibrating and you can hardly keep yourself on your feet, it feels like the ground is shaking underneath you. All 

Shawn does is stand next to you as one big excuse, you feel like he doesn't realise the consequence his actions has. 

"You should pack your things." You tell him, chewing into your lip to strangle the sobs. 

"What? No!" Shawn panics and reaches for your hand. "I don't want to leave." You remove yourself from his touch, throwing his hand back in anger.

"Please." He begs you and you look aside to meet his eyes. "I didn't cheat on you, I swear." 

"But it feels like you did." You tell him, shrugging your shoulders. 

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