Running Low (smut)

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Running Low (Smut)

You were lying in the silent hotel room, looking out at the dark sky from the window beside the bed. Your legs were curled up underneath you, as you were hugging yourself tightly. Maybe, it would help put the broken pieces inside you back together.

Tears were still running down your sore cheeks, but you weren't exactly sobbing anymore. They just quietly ran down, you barely even noticed them any longer.

You had spent the entire night watching Camila freaking Cabello flirt with your boyfriend and it honestly broke your heart.

You and Shawn have had this conversation a million times before, he'd always told you to drop it, because it was nothing, but how she acted around him tonight, there was no doubt anymore. She was in love with him.

It made you sick just thinking about it, because honestly, there was no way you could compete with her.

You heard the door to the hotel open, but you kept your back turned towards as you heard Shawn walk in. You closed your eyes, pretending to be a sleep. For some reason, you just had no strength to talk, all the energy had been sucked out of you.

"Hey baby girl" Shawn whispered, stroking your hair.

You didn't turn to look at him, you didn't move at all. You had to bite your lip, so a loud sob wouldn't escape your dry lips. He sat down on the bedside, stroking your arm, clearly trying to wake you up.

Pressing your eyes harshly together, you just wanted him to let it go. If he did, you could fall asleep and pretend everything was alright in the morning, but if he continued trying to wake you up, you'd have to talk and somehow you feared that utterly.

"I just want to sleep, Shawn" You mumbled, almost too low for him to hear it.

"What?" Shawn said, turning your head to face him.

The smiled dropped from his lips when he saw your pail face. His thumb ran across your cheek, wiping some tears away gently.

"What's going on?" He asked you, worried. You bit your lip, closing your eyes.

"You know what's wrong" You muttered back, knowing you'd start a fight. Soon, this hotel room would turn into a battlefield.

"Is this about Camila again?" He asked, annoyed.

You didn't say anything, so he knew the answer was yes. Shawn shook his head, letting his hand drop down from your cheeks. He rubbed his forehead, looking down at the ground.

"You need to let this go"

"I don't need to do anything, Shawn"

"There's nothing going on between us!" He said, raising his voice at you.

You pushed yourself up to sit in the bed, staring out the empty, dark room.

"It sure as hell didn't look like that tonight. Are you just going to let her act like that? Let her touch you like that? Or tell you those things. " You hissed back at him. Shawn sighted heavily, licking his lips.

"I can't control her feelings, but I don't have any for her!"

"So you admit it? You know she likes you?"

"I didn't say that!"

"But you know it's true" You said, sighting at him.

"And so what, it's not like I want her" He said, not getting where you came from.

But then again, he never did. Shawn always thought you were being irrational when feeling like this, but he didn't get how it was, how it felt. Camila was trying to win him over and you had to deal with that, you had to watch that every time she was around.

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