Priorities (Smut)

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"Are you kidding me?" You whined as Shawn put the last bags of food in the trunk.

"Sorry love"

"You seriously want me to get in the back because your guitar has to be on the front seat?" You stared at him, honestly thinking he was messing with you right now.

Shawn shrugged his shoulders apologetic, sending you a careful but loving smile.

"For real?"

"I need to put the seatbelt on so it won't break, that's only possible in the passenger seat"

"Fuck sake" you muttered, shaking your head at him.

Shawn laughed a bit of your reaction, before planting a kiss on the top of your hair. Ugh, could he please stop being so damn cute when you were annoyed with him?

"Sorry hon, priorities" he grinned, smiling widely.

You crossed your arms in front of your chest, letting him know, you obviously weren't happy with him in this moment.

This day had literally been a drag. Shawn had gotten home yesterday, but his family had been around all night, so you didn't have any time to yourself and the entire day today, had been spent on shopping. To be completely honest, you were tired and you were horny and you just wanted to go home.

"And I'm apparently not one of them" you muttered irritated, rolling your eyes frustrated at him. It made Shawn crack up again, as he shook his head lightly at you.

You leaned your back up against his jeep, taking a deep breath. You hated that this miserable state you were in, seemed to amuse Shawn greatly.

Shawn walked up to you and grabbed around your waist, before he drew you close to him. Your chest was almost brushing against his, which send a major amount of heat rushing to your face.

Shawn licked his lip, before biting it quickly. He closed the tiny gap between you as his hand disappeared into your hair. The sweet mint and mango taste spread into your mouth, leaving you breathless and craving more.

"I'll make this up to you when we get home, just one more stop" Shawn promised, as he broke the kiss.

"Make it up to me now" you breathed against his soft lips. A laughter ran across his face, before he sent you a playful smile.

"You're eager today" he teased you.

"You've been gone for a while. I'm craving you" you admitted desperately to him.

You seemed to make his cheeks just a little damp and pink, which assured you, Shawn was craving you just as much.

You bit your lip flirtatiously, tilting your head to the side, while catching his familiar and affectionate gaze.

"Oh no y/n, I know what you're up to. When we get home, I promise" Shawn laughed, before letting his thumb run across your trembling lips.

Feeling Shawn's touches on you, sat fire to your skin in the matter of seconds, leaving it burning and tickly.

"But Shawn, you're always in that music shop for so long" you whined at him, sending him your biggest puppy eyes.

"I promise I'll be quick this time. Get in the car already" he laughed back, opening the front door to his jeep.

"Fine! But that requires you putting the guitar in the back!" you dared him, raising an eyebrow.

Shawn looked at you for a second, debating his answer carefully, but as you stared him down, he realized he'd lost this battle.

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