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A/N: Trigger warning, mention of violence. 


Tiny snowflakes were falling from the pitch-black sky outside, landing on the ground without melting because the temperature was already well below minus as the Canadian cold haunted the outside harder each day that passed by.

Tons of people were rushing down the sidewalk with bags of Christmas presents in hand, stressing over grocery shopping and parent in laws coming to stay over the holidays. 

Oh yes, Christmas was indeed upon us already.

The steaming cup of mint tea rested in my hands to keep my fingers warm as I forced my gaze back to the tall, curled haired guy sitting in front of me with a wide smile planted on his face and a large cup of coffee in his hand.

Topped with chipped cream and marshmallows, of course, because some things never change for people like Shawn. I had always found it weird and rather gross to be completely honest, but at the Mendes household, this was a specialty - that I over the years - had learned to come to terms with.

The small coffee shop on the corner of Adelaide Place had been empty for the past hour or so, which was rather nice because we for once had the chance to hang out, without other people's interference.

The shop was rather dim, only lit slightly by the decorations hanging around the room and a few candle lights placed on the centre of each wooden table while faint Christmas music was playing in the background.

"And I swear, Aaliyah was ready to cut off my balls." Shawn shook his head, leaning back in his seat to look at me properly.

He couldn't stop the smug from appearing when he realized, he had made me roll my eyes playfully in tiny but wholehearted laughter.

"Sometimes I think she wants to punch me in the face." He joked, his tongue slipping across his plump lips.

"Can you really blame her? I've wanted to punch you in the face several times over the years and you haven't even picked on me half as much as you pick on her." I fired back jokingly, pulling a face that forced Shawn to defend himself.

"Maybe it's time for a new victim then." Shawn dared, narrowing his brows with a sneaky smile painted on his face.

Glancing down to my cup of hot tea, my fingertip following the edge of the cup, I forgot to listen to his words and my own thoughts completely swallowed me up.

I hadn't really been up for company today, but Shawn had insisted to occupy my schedule the entire day and somehow, saying no to a Mendes was never really an option.

But things had been rough lately and I was nowhere near feeling as festive as Shawn apparently was.

I was too on edge to even think about Christmas or get in any sort of festive mood. Just thinking about what was waiting when I got home later was enough stress to deal with. Honestly it made a sickening feeling reach the surface of my stomach.

My feet were tripping, sending small vibrations of restlessness through my body as I continued to push the nauseas feeling away, or at least tried to keep it at a minimum.

"Hey?" Shawn interrupted, lowering his head to catch my distant glance. "Where you are?" He worried as a frown appeared between his brows.

"I'm sorry, Shawn-" I put down the cup of tea and moved tots of wild hair behind my ears before properly meeting his friendly stare. "I think I'm just in a bit of a mood today." I apologised, shrugging my shoulders with a small smile.

"No kidding." He giggled as a wild curl escaped and fell into his eyes.

When I didn't respond to his joke like I normally would, the familiar and warm smile faded within the matter of seconds. Shawn put down his coffee cup, leaning just a tad across the table separating the two of us.

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