This Isn't You

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Request: Can you write about Shawn getting angry/ upset in public (a party or something) bc of someone said something rude to his gf?? And she tries to make him leave but ends up in a fight with the other person???

Word Count: 2,354

This Isn't You

"You want another beer?" Brian asked me, well, yelled at me. The music was very loud and people were laughing and talking vociferously.

"Yeah, sure" I smiled. I turned around and patted Shawn on the shoulder. He looked at me.

"What about you?" I asked him.

"What?" he mumbled back.

"You want a beer?" I asked, he nodded. Brian then walked off to get them.

"Hey baby-" I started, reaching out for Shawn's cheek. He tilted his head, meeting my move. I tip toped to kiss his lips. He already tasted like beer.

"Please try to have fun" I said, in between the kisses.

"I'm sorry, I've just been stressed out lately" he whispered back at me.

I smiled warmly at him, nodding. He'd been getting ready for tour and his mind had been somewhere else for the last couple of days.

"I know babe, that's why we're at this party. To get your mind on other things, just let it go and have some fun" I said, caressing his chin.

"I will, I promise" he said, placing another kiss on my lips.

Brian came back with more beers for us. Shawn grabbed it quickly, pouring the entire bottle down his throat. I just stared widely at him, laughing. Shawn clapped his hands together, as a smile painted itself on his lips.

"Let's get this party started" he smiled, grabbing my hips, pulling me out to dance.

I knew, he was ready to have fun now, to let go for just one night.

"I love you baby" Shawn said drunk, as the weight from his body pressed against me. He was a freaking mess. I laughed at him, shaking my head calmly.

"I know, Shawn. I love you too" I wasn't even half as drunk as him.

I didn't mind it, though. For the first time in weeks, Shawn was finally acting like the teenager he was, for once finally letting himself have some fun.

And he sure did have fun, he'd danced with me and multiple of your friends, poured down shot after shot, had a heated conversation with Brian on whether Harry Potter or Spiderman was the better move and now, he apparently, wanted all my attention. Drunk Shawn made me giggle.

"You're so pretty" he said, almost amazed. He pressed his finger against my cheek, smiling widely at me.

"And you're very, very drunk" I teased him. Shawn shushed me, shaking his head.

"Nope. No-t- not the tinniest bit drunk" he stuttered through his words.

He was the cutest, when he was drunk. I barely got to see it, so I actually enjoyed it.

"I can tell" I mocked again.

Shawn then tilted his head, staring at me. He bit his lip, like he was thinking hard. I giggled at his expression.

"Mine" he said, suddenly. Wrinkling my forehead in confusion, I gazed up at him.

"Yours what?"

"You're mine" he said, like it was obvious. Before I could answer, he spoke again.

"You're mine, mine only" he said, this time more determined. I think he was talking more to himself, than he was really talking to me.

"Yours" I whispered, planting a kiss on his lips.

Shawn Mendes one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now