Your Body Is My Wonderland (Smut)

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I was resting my back against Shawn's broad chest, while his fingers were running through my wet newly washed hair. We were chilling in bed, watching movies after a long day for the both of us. We were sipping beers, celebrating this day finally coming to an end. It had kind of become a tradition by now.

I was tucked tightly into a blanket, feeling Shawn place tender kisses on my neck once in a while. His arms were tightly shut around my body, making every inch of my skin feel tickly just by his faint yet loving touches.

I found his hands and intertwined our fingers gently, letting my thumbs brush against his knuckles. As I played with his fingers wrapped around mine, I felt the blisters from him playing guitar for too long against my palms resting in his. It didn't bother him anyone but I remembered Shawn telling me about how painful it was for him in the begging and how much he always stared to bleed when ripping them open all over again.

Shawn and I had only been together for a couple of months after being friends for a while, but our feelings had grown rather fast and it was actually my first time staying for the night. Shawn kept saying he needed it to feel right, before he was ready to share his private space with me.

I was rather surprised at how normal this all felt to me. It was usually a feeling of being out of place, but with Shawn, it just felt right. He felt like home to me, like I didn't belong any other place than right here, with him. It wasn't hisspace now, it was ours.

"Babe?" he asked, suddenly breaking our comfortable silence.

"Mhh?" I muttered, still watching the movie.

"Can I ask you something?" he whispered into my ear. It made the chills run down my entire body.

"Sure thing, babe"

"Can I turn this off for just a sec?" I tilted my head back to meet his gaze. He sent me a loving smile, kissing my forehead.

"Sounds serious?" I asked, biting into my bottom lip.

Shawn laughed slightly at me, before bending down and nipping to my dry lips. His thumb slipped across my lip afterwards, before he grabbed the remote and shut of the tv. I turned towards him, crossing my legs.

"What's up?" I asked, smiling at him.

Shawn rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly blushing massively. It didn't take long for the rosy colour to flush his cheeks. His deep, brown eyes darted from me to his hands resting in my lap.

"Do you like me?" he stuttered, biting into his lip nervously.

"Do I like you?" I laughed back, wrinkling my forehead in confusion.

Where was he going with this?

Shawn nodded as respond to my wondering question. I pushed up his chin, forcing him to meet my eyes.

"Not really, I'm just here for the money" I said, trying to fight the laughter pressing on.

For just a second Shawn froze and his body became tense, but then his eyes caught mine and we both burst into laughter. Shawn stuck out his tongue mockingly, before rolling his eyes at me and gently pushing my head teasingly to the side.

"I'm being serious, hon"

"Of course I like you, you poop"

"What do you like about me?" he tilted his head to the side, waiting patiently for me to answer his question.

What did I like about Shawn? Well, more or less everything. I wasn't too fond of grumpy morning Shawn, but other than that, I was pretty much in love with everything else.

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