Shawn on instagram

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Question on tumblr: Do you think Shawn would comment on his girls Instagram pics?

When you post a picture of yourself in a killer dress, showing off your body and shapes with a full make-up on and your hair curled, Shawn would be dropping comments like: "fuck", "such a diva", "🔥🔥", "slaying", "the dresss", "damn" and "👅👅"

Or when you posted a picture in an oversized hoodie, your hair in a bun, no make-up with your head tilting slightly to the side, he would comment with: "such a tiny puppy 🐶"or "puppy eyes 🐶"

And when you posted pictures from days that mattered to you like birthdays, family dinners or trips with friends, Shawn would just leave a simple "❤️" because he couldn't be there, but he was happy you were around the people you love.

Or when you post a picture with him from a festival having the best times, beers in your hands and eyes locked to each other, captioning it something like "rock on," Shawn would comment "🤘" because it's your little secret 'i love you' to each other. 

When you posted pictures of buildings, pretty houses, landscapes, graffiti or food, he would be such a tease and comment things like: "pro 📸, "cool bro", "so artsy" and "#influencer"

And when you posted a normal selfies looking cute and comfy, Shawn would be completely in awe with you and comment things like: "mine", "you shine", "glowing", "soft cookie", "your eyes" or he would make a little joke like: "hi, can i get ur number?", "did you sit in a pile of sugar? because you have a pretty sweet ass" or "do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte" because he thinks he's being funny 

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