Friends with benefits bullet-points

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Calling him at two in the morning drunk on a bottle of vodka just to have steamy, drunk sex with him.

Laying on the sofa with your legs across him while playing fifa. Arguing about who is cheating and who is the best player. Ending up in a playful and teasing fight that turns into a make out session instead.

Sexting when Shawn is on tour and feeling horny. Sending a few nudes when you're in your favourite lingerie because you know it drives him mad. 

Late night sneak-outs and hour long conversations about nothing at all and everything that matters at the same time. Clearing Shawn's mind when he's feeling stressed or cheering you up when you're drowning in exams. 

Occasionally getting a little jealous on a night out with friends, when Shawn ends up bringing another girl home. 

Preparing food together, having small food fights and sharing smiles. Brushing slightly against each other when moving around, leading into fucking on the kitchen counter and then food afterwards. 

Taking showers together when you've stayed over at his place and you're both running later. Shawn washing your hair with shampoo while you shave your legs. 


Being able to chill without doing anything at all. Just laying next to each other on the sofa while you scroll through your instagram feed, because you're such good friends it still feels like quality time together. You both enjoy relaxing in each other's company without having to talk. 

Shawn always being the friend to call when it all falls apart and you don't know what to do. 

Shawn being your own private driver when you're out with friends and wants to leave early. Mostly to fuck him which happens in the car. 

Always supporting each other, even when you're fighting or feel like ripping each other's head of.

Your families loving your friendship and secretly hoping you'll end up together, not having the slightest idea what's really going on. 

Always working it out in the end whenever you've been mad or frustrated with each other, because you simply need one another in your life. 

Saying "i love you" and sometimes wonder the exact meaning behind those words. 

Going to concerts together because you share the love of music. Nine out of ten times getting drunk and fucking in the bathroom. 

Talking on the phone for hours when Shawn is touring to keep him updated on the gossip back home. 

Having to cover up the fact that you've spend time together when your friends haven't seen you both in weeks. 

At times debating whether or not your feelings for him are growing into more than just a friendship.  

Having fun together doing literally nothing. Playing cards, watching tv, going for a walk. Whatever you guys are doing, it turns into an adventure. 

Wanting to kiss each other at parties with your friends and finding excuses to leave to meet up and go somewhere on your own. 

Shawn getting jealous, without wanting to admit it, when guys from university tries to flirt with you. Kinda giving you the cold shoulder for a few days because he doesn't want you to catch on.

Always being able to put the fucking aside when the other really needs a friend to talk to. 

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