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Though snow had begun falling yesterday and hadn't stopped even once over the night, a small trickle of warmth from the early morning sun streamed into the familiar, dim bedroom that I occasionally shared with my boyfriend and forced a slight heat to rise in the large, white room little by little.

The blinds weren't rolled down completely and the sun reflecting on the surface of white snow outside, slowly began lightening the room and somewhat pulled me from my drowse. Rolling over to face towards the window, still completely stunned by the CN tower covered in snow and the Christmas lights hanging on almost every corner of the street, I hadn't quite gotten used to the beautiful view just yet.

What I had already gotten used to was falling asleep and waking up next to Shawn. Though we hadn't been dating all that long, it had easily become my favourite thing in the world.

My fingers slid across the warm, white bedsheets as I reached for Shawn's bare back. My eyes popped wide open as my hands, to my great disappointment, didn't find what they had begun searching for.

Peering slightly confused around the room, I found Shawn's side of the bed empty and he was nowhere else to be seen.

I'm not sure why but a slight yank of distress reached the surface of my stomach. I couldn't name anything better than waking up to his cute little snores and his warm body just a few inches next to mine, his hair all messy and his cheeks just a tad more heated than otherwise.

Rubbing my eyes to get rid of the still blurry vision, I pushed my heavy body up, wondering where the hell my panties ended up after last night.

We had been at a Christmas party with his friends, whom always managed to drink him completely under the table while playing beer pong. Shawn was convinced that Brian cheated each time and the rest of us were fully aware that Shawn always lost simply because he sucked.

But okay, Brian and I had a lot of practice from Uni, maybe too much practice to be completely honest, and Shawn had absolutely none.

When we got home at three in the morning, Shawn had been quite eager to say the least and our clothes had been thrown carelessly on the floor all over the apartment while making our way towards his bedroom.

Shawn was a horny drunk, heck, it didn't take much more than a couple of beers before he started sending dirty texts and teasing stares from across the room.

But hey, who isn't a sucker for sloppy drunk sex?

Running a hand through my messy hair and gently tugging the usual knots apart, I studied the room for my clothes but gave up rather quickly, reaching for one of Shawn's white t-shirt and tugged it over my body with a tired smile on my lips as the scent of his strong cologne spread within the matter of seconds after pulling it over my head.

It was big enough to cover my ass and there would be no need to search further for the lost panties. Letting my bare feet settle on the cold floor, a shiver ran down my spine and I swayed across the wooden floor, picking up Shawn's jeans from last night and hanging them across the chair in the corner as I heard faint music somewhere down the hallway.

A slight giggle rolled out of my mouth as I imagined him dancing along in his boxers while the radio played in the background. He did that a lot. I loved how, despite his choice of career, he still became rather embarrassed when I caught him jamming out to Kings of Leon.

As I continued padding my way towards the source of the music, a burnt smell seemed to spread as I realised Shawn was fumbling around in the kitchen, just down the hall.

More than one thing was rather strange about this particular, cold December morning in Shawn's Toronto based flat.

For one, Shawn never got up earlier than noon after a hefty night of drinking. Even on weekdays, where I was technically the only one who had to wake up early, I only managed to get him out of bed after at least ten minutes of persuading and negotiating about how I was going to make up for dragging him out of his comfy bed.

Shawn Mendes one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now