"I brought food." | line blurb

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43. "I brought food."


You ignore the knocks on your door while sinking further together on the floor. Tears are running uncontrollably and your cries feel like they are choking you. It's late, you don't know how late, but it's too late for someone to be knocking at your dorm. 

Your arms are wrapped around your own body in a desperate attempt to comfort yourself and your broken heart. 

In ways, you feel furious that no one ever warned you about love. It's a complete trick and somehow you always end up with a scar. 

"Please, open the door." You hear and recognised Shawn's voice within seconds. 

Your head falls back and you shut yours, chewing on your lip to prevent more sobs from falling out. You heart is in your throat and there's a sickening feeling in your stomach, you think you might vomit. 

"Come on." Shawn says again and you sigh. "I'm not going away and you know it. Might as well let me in." 

You know Shawn's stubborn and that you really won't win the fight, but you just don't want him to see you like this. Shawn warned you about the guy you are seeing, he disliked him from the beginning and he's been telling you constantly. 

"I brought food." Shawn says to lure you to open. He knows you well and he knows food is always a clever move. You sniff while wiping tears from your sore cheeks. Your hoodie is soaking and you're aware you can't hide your crying from him. 

"What kind?" You ask through the door, not moving from your spot on the floor. You hear Shawn laugh at your question and you can't help but strain a small smile. 

"The absolute worst kind." He replies. "Mc Donald's." 

You roll your eyes at his mocking words, wiping more tears from your face with the sleeve of the hoodie. 

It's an on-going argument between the two of you, what fast food is the best. But in the end, Shawn almost always refuse to get Mc Donald's. Not this time, though. You didn't even have to argue about it and you figure he knows you're hurting. 

"Fine. Don't let me in." Shawn says and you hear a fumbling on the other side of the door. "Guess I'll have to eat the fries myself." 

You remove your tired body from the floor and reaches to unlock the door to your dorm. Your feet cannot carry the weight and you collapse on the floor again shortly after. 

Your throat is tied together and your eyes hurt from all the crying. Shawn pushes the door open and appears with three bags of your favourite fast food. When his eyes fall on you crumbled together on the floor, he feels the discomfort from seeing you like this.

"Just don't, okay?" You tell him, searching for his eyes. "Just don't say anything about it." 

Shawn shakes his head and sends you a small smile and then, he bends down to sit on the cold floor next to you. 

Without saying a word, Shawn hands you a milkshake and large bag of fries. They are too salty for his like, but they're perfect in your eyes. He takes out a few burgers and then reaches to take a sip of his soda.

 You nip the food, still unsure whether or not you might be sick, and then you lay your head on his shoulder. 

Shawn leans down to place a soft kiss on your hair and returns to his food afterwards. Tears form in your eyes again and as much as you want to hold them in, it's simply not possible. 

Shawn feels his stomach turn when he hears your small sobs, he hates knowing you're upset because some guy didn't appreciate your worth. He hates even more that you always choose the ones who play with your heart. He's often told you to be smarter, but he's finally learning it's not going to happen. 

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