Shawn after a break-up

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Question from tumblr: how do u think shawn would act during a breakup? with a broken heart. 

Shawn would be really private about his break up with you. There would be no shady or sad tweets, no hints to the public. He would want to keep it to himself and he wouldn't see the point in sharing it with the world. 

Shawn would get really quiet and not really feeling like doing much but laying around for a bit. Staying inside and not really communicate with friends or family, which is rather unusual for him. Shawn would sorta shut down and shut people out for a while, because he would need some time to get his head straight before letting his family know. Shawn would lie for days and listen to music, all those songs that understood how he was feeling and what was going through his mind. He would use music to understand and put words to his feelings. And he would just lay there, not moving or eating. Just allow himself to disappear into the music because it's slowly healing his heart. He would cry a little and then some of the songs would remind of your good times together and he'd smile a little. All those songs would help him mend his sorrow. 

And Shawn would think a lot. His mind would be going at all times, two in the afternoon and at two in the morning. Think about the times you've had and think about what he's going to be missing. But also think about the times that made him smile and what he learned from being with you. And think about how to move forward from here. 

And he would write songs. Tons of them to deal with his feelings and his thoughts. And most of them wouldn't turn out good and really ever be shared, but it would be Shawn's way of coping. His way of understand and dealing with his emotions. And then, when he was finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel, he would write such a beautiful song about the prettiest woman he's known. 

And when Shawn was ready, he would call up his friends to take his mind off things. Whether it was playing sports or fifa, going for a drive or getting food. Just whatever to keep his mind busy and be around people to prevent the memory of you from slipping into his thoughts. And his friends, they would cheer him up and make him laugh to forget about it. They could tell he was hurting, sure, but they would know how to distract him. And then would keep him from showing up at your door or drunk texting you at four in the morning. 

And Shawn would turn to his parents for some love. Not really wanting to have deep conversations about it, but just wanting to be around his parents because mom and dad makes everything better. Shawn would get more hugs than usual, more comfort and more love. And Karen wouldn't force Shawn to talk about because she knew he was hurting too much, but she would take him for long walks or board games, bake cookies and bring him shopping. 

And Shawn would turn to Aaliyah to talk about it, when he was finally ready to put words on his feelings. And be would be completely honest with her, put all cards on the table and show her all the emotions he had been carrying around. And Aaliyah would be there for her brother, like he had always been there for here, and she would know exactly what to do and say. She would be the best comfort for her brother and his broken heart and she would help him move past his heartache. 

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