Falling All In You

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A/N: First thing I've posted in a while. I know the way it's written is a little strange and it's not really that great either.

Christmas was Shawn's favourite holiday of all times, especially since his girlfriend had gotten to join his family during these jolly days on her third year in a row. There was just something about this time a year that made everything seem warmer to him, magical really.

He loved the crystal white snow falling outside, the secret late-night gift wrapping, the fun board games with cups of hot chocolate where Shawn always let you win because he loved your little victory dance afterwards, cooking roast dinners with Karen while singing along to every possible Christmas song to ever exist. His favourite part of Christmas, though, was without a doubt this moment right here.

Watching you carefully as you leaned onto the table smiling at the fireplace in front of you while sipping the white wine from Portugal you and Manny loved so much; Aaliyah and Timera melting marshmallows over the open fireplace with the usual red blanket wrapped around their legs to keep them warm.

Shawn could stand behind you for hours, just watching how your smile grew wider on your rosy face, enjoying some peaceful time at home with his family.

Shawn felt his heartbeat increase as he heard your warm laughter when Aaliyah's marshmallow slipped of the stick and landed on the dark, stone floor.

To him, this right here, was the ultimate dream. He loved that you finally had a family to lean on, a place where you belonged, a place your heart belonged to; and luckily, that place was with him.

It warmed his heart thinking about how much love existed in his family that had taken you in as their own since the first day he brought you home. He had wanted that for you for years; finally feeling like a part of a family since you didn't have much of your own.

Feeling a pad on his shoulder, Shawn jumped back from his thoughts as Karen had now joined him. A slight smile slipped across his lips as Karen's gaze stuck on the bunch of kids in front of her, before tilting her head and catching Shawn's loving stare.

"We're quite lucky, weren't we?" Karen said with a smile as her eyes drawled back to you and the rest of the family.

"We really are." He replied, exchanging a loving look with Karen. "I don't even know how I've gotten so lucky." He breathed as his eyes popped back to your silhouette.

As the smile from feeling his love towards you spread, the butterflies cracked open in his stomach and reached the surface within seconds. A comfortable silence fell between them as the laughers and banters of the little family echoed in their ears and for a short second, all the two of them could do, was feel the love growing inside their chests.

As Karen's arm reached for Shawn's shoulder to give him a loving, motherly squeeze, her eyes fell on Shawn's and for the first time, she noticed the usual glow in his eyes had changed while he watched you carefully; it drew her to a conclusion.

"You really love her, don't you honey?" she asked Shawn gently. He felt a slight blush on his burning cheeks but he didn't take his eyes away from you.

"Of course, I do." Shawn replied as his heart pounded heavily against his chest. He couldn't help but press his palm against his heart beating for you. "I'm falling all in her." He confessed shyly to his mother.

"Oh honey-" Karen smiled as her fingers nuzzled the back of Shawn's curls. "She's falling all in you too."

"You think so? She's so hard to read sometimes." Chewing on his bottom lip, Shawn forced a breath down his sore lungs.

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