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Present time

It didn't feel right this time. It wasn't Halloween without her. It didn't feel the way it was supposed to when she wasn't here. In all honesty, nothing felt like it was supposed to anymore and Shawn doubted, it would ever feel like that again.

"Dude, are you coming or what?" Matt asked him, looking over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of Shawn's face behind him.

Shawn nodded without carelessly without making the effort to look at Matt properly but speeded his pace while walking.

Hands in his pockets, dragging his feet along the sidewalk to catch up to his group of friends walking ahead, chatting loudly and joking with each other.

Shawn didn't join the conversation, he didn't laugh at the jokes, he didn't even care to make fun of Brian when the other's called him out on yet another one of his bullshit stories.

Shawn wasn't really in the mood to socialise, being around people was hard because he had to put on a fake smile when in reality, he felt like he could barely breathe. Going to the haunted house was a tradition by now, but going without her felt like betraying her in some strange way.

"Shawn, hurry up." Brian called him out as the group ahead had reached the entrance of the haunted house and was now, only waiting for Shawn to join them.

"I'm coming." He assured them, raising his head to look towards Brian.

It wasn't Brian his eyes caught though, it was her and suddenly, Shawn couldn't move his feet. His body became numb as his eyes locked on her blurry silhouette and an uncomfortable coldness rushed down his spine.

Shawn felt a lump form in his dry throat, forcing the feeling of choking upon him, as his entire body began to quiver by the sight of her. His knees felt weak underneath him and he worried, he would collapse on the sidewalk within the matter of seconds.

The air was punched out of his sore lungs as his vision tunnelled and left his surroundings black. His stomach turned and the sickness began pumping in his veins as he watched the familiar smile on her face widen a little. All Shawn would think about was how he wasn't the one making her smile, how he wasn't the reason of her happiness.

A tightening ache appeared in his chest, feeling like his lungs were being pushed into his guts to cause even more pain in his body.

This what was heartbreak felt like, Shawn was sure of it.



Halloween had always been their thing. They loved this time of the year just a little more than any other holiday. Decorating the Mendes house to look like Dracula's den, cutting out pumpkins with Shawn's sister while drinking his favourite mango tea and going shopping for the perfect, obviously matching outfits to wear.

Shawn's family had always gone all out for Halloween and even though y/n loved it too, her family had never been into holidays like these. To be completely honest, her family had never really been a proper family who celebrated any holiday or spend time together. Not like Shawn's family did.

Shawn bad been shocked to say the least when she had told him about her non-exiting celebration of the day and he had promised himself to give her the best Halloween every year so she wouldn't miss out on another one ever again.

Shawn wanted her to have memories to look back at, memories she could carry in her heart when things were hard to get through.

Especially Shawn and Karen loved dressing up as something scary and handing out colourful candy to the giggling kids ringing the doorbell repeatedly. y/n loved how Shawn got so caught up in whatever character he was dressed as when someone rang the doorbell and how he always gave the cutest kids two pieces instead of just one.

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