i love yous

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I think Shawn might hold back on the 'I love yous' because he wants them to be special. He won't text them to you each morning or say it as an automatic reply because that's what people usually do. He chooses when to use them, he chooses the moment special enough to say them aloud or the times he really wants to remind you of his love. 'I love yous' are deeper than that for Shawn. They are more genuine and he saves those words for special intimate moments shared between you. 

That being said, I think Shawn says 'I love you' each day with different words or actions instead. Words and actions that sometimes speaks louder than those three words. Words and actions, other people but Shawn might forget to cherish. 

Reminding you to put your seatbelt on before he starts the car, taking a second during a crazy day to text 'I miss you' or 'can't wait to see you tonight', driving to five different stores to buy your favourite apple juice just because he feels like it, giving you a call to say 'I saw this and I the first thing I thought of was you'. 

Or things little things like sitting through an entire marathon of Sex and The City when you're sick because it's the only thing you feel like doing, always having that cup of your favourite tea ready when you wake up late on a Sunday morning, telling you how nice your shampoo smells after you took a shower. 

Or spending hours making you different playlists and saying 'these songs reminds me of you', telling you how stunning you look when zipping your dress or massaging your scalp for hours when your head is aching. 

I feel like these things would be Shawn's ways of saying 'I love you' each day without using the actual words. But the love behind the actions and the love in the words are a constant reminder how much love this man has for you and that his love can be shown in more than one way. 

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