"(y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice shout out of nowhere as he tackled you down to the ground, right as soon as the Headless Horseman swung his sword. You were relieved when you looked up to see who it was that saved you. "Ichabod." You said, softly, as you placed your hand on his cheek. "I'm here, (y/n)." Ichabod said, as he helped you stand up. Then, you both heard the horse neighing, indicating that the Headless Horseman was coming back. "(y/n), the Headless Horseman is after you!" Ichabod said. You furrowed your eyebrows, in confusion. "How do you know that, Ichabod?" You asked. But Ichabod turned his head and saw the Headless Horseman coming towards you both, with his sword up in the air. "Now is not the time to explain, (y/n)!" He said, as he grabbed your hand and ran away, with you running with him, before the Headless Horseman could swing his sword at you both again.

As you and Ichabod were about to run to your house, Lady Van Tassel, came out of nowhere on her horse, with a bag strapped to the side of her dress, and shouted, "Take her, Horseman! She's all yours! Watch your head now, (y/n)." You and Ichabod stopped towards her direction, while you were shocked about her telling the Headless Horseman to come after you. You were about to run away from Lady Van Tassel with Ichabod, but you noticed Ichabod running towards her. He, then, tackled her off her horse and onto the ground, causing the horse to neigh, in fright, and run off. "Ichabod, what are you doing?" You shouted, as he was trying to keep your stepmother down. "She has something that could stop the Horseman, (y/n)!" He shouted back, pointing at the bag that was no longer strapped to Lady Van Tassel's dress.

But, then, Ichabod and Lady Van Tassel started crawling towards the bag, while trying to pulling each other back, fighting to get it. "(y/n), grab the bag!" Ichabod shouted. You, then, ran to where the bag was at and you immediately grabbed it before Lady Van Tassel could grab it. "So you wanna play heroine, (y/n), then, I hope you could dodge this!" Lady Van Tassel said, as she pulled out her gun and pointed it at you. "No!" Ichabod shouted, as he tackled her down, dropping her gun at the same time. You, heard, galloping from right behind you, knowing it was the Headless Horseman coming after you.

With Ichabod trying to tackle Lady Van Tassel down so she doesn't retrieve her gun and the Headless Horseman coming, you quickly noticed a piece of wood nearby, grabbed it, and swung it at Lady Van Tassel's head, knocking her out. You turned and ducked your head down as soon as the Headless Horseman swung his sword at you again. Ichabod, then, stood up and grabbed the bag from your hand. "This should help stop the Horseman." He said, as he pulled out what was in the bag. A human skull with sharp teeth. You cringed, in disgust, as you looked at it.

"Horseman!" Ichabod shouted, as he turned to the Headless Horseman's direction, while holding up the skull. The Headless Horseman looked at as if he recognized it, so he galloped back to the two of you and Ichabod tossed the skull to him. The Headless Horseman caught it and, then, he put the skull on top of where his head should be. You stood next to Ichabod, your arms around his torso and his arms wrapped around you, protectively, as you both watched the transformation happening on the skull.

Moments later, within seconds, the transformation was completed and it showed a scary man with black hair, bluish white eyes, and sharp teeth. The two of you were worried about what he was gonna do as he looked at the two of you. Then, he turned toward Lady Van Tassel's direction, galloped towards her, and picked her up. He looked down at her as she was beginning of wake up. She looked at him, shocked and scared, as if she saw a ghost, before she let out a scream, in horror, as the Horseman rode off and headed back to the dark forest.

As soon as the Horseman was out of sight, you let out a sigh of relief when he was finally gone and, then, you turned and faced Ichabod, who was looking at you, concerned. "Are you alright, my dear (y/n)?" He asked. You nodded and said, "Yes, Ichabod, darling. But I don't understand. How did you know the Horseman was coming after to me?" "I went to check on my horse and I overheard Lady Van Tessel chanting with witchcraft, to summon the Horseman to come after you." Ichabod answered. "But why would she do that?" You asked. "After she summoned the Horseman, I heard her mention that once you were done for, the will left for you by your father would go to her." He explained. "I knew something was strange about her." You said.

"I was about to warn you, but, then, I heard your voice and the Headless Horseman coming. I couldn't let you get killed by him, (y/n). I ran as fast as I could to save you, hoping that I wasn't gonna be too late." "And you did save me, Ichabod. Twice, in fact. I don't even wanna think of the slight second of would've happened if you hadn't been there. I was really worried something bad had happened to you when I woke up and found you missing. But it doesn't matter now because you're here and you're alright." You said, as you embraced him a tight, but gentle hug. Ichabod hugged you back, with an arm wrapped around your waist and the other hand on the back of your head, holding you close.

Moments later, Ichabod pulled slightly away from the hug and said, "I won't ever leave your sight ever again, (y/n). This case is now over and I think home is the right place for the both of us now." You furrowed your eyebrows, in confusion, when you questioned, "Home? You mean, as in—" "New York City, yes." Ichabod finished for you, which surprised you. "Come with me to New York City, (y/n). I cannot imagine going back to New York City without you there with me. You won't have to live in Sleepy Hollow ever again and I can give you a new life in the big city."

"You...You really mean it, Ichabod? You let me come with you?" You asked. "Of course, darling. After all, I...I really like you. Really, really like you." He said, nervously, while scratching the back of his neck. You chuckled and said, while wrapping your arms around his neck, "And I really, really like you too, Ichabod Crane." He smiled a bit down at you after you said that. "So, I take that as a 'yes', then?" He asked. "Absolutely." You said, and, then, you pressed your lips against his. He was surprised at first, but, then, he kissed you back, while he placed his hands on your waist. You exclaimed, happily, when you felt him pick you up, in a bridal style, without breaking the kiss.

Moments later, you both pulled away from the kiss to breathe and, then, looked into each other's eyes. "But right now, I think sleep is probably the best thing to do. In the morning, we'll leave." Ichabod said. You smiled and said, "Sounds like a plan to me." Then, Ichabod smiled more as he placed a kiss on your forehead before he started walking, while carrying you, to your house.

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