Sam's Butter Sock

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"Should we go for a round two?" Jungkook asked sleepily as Jimin woke up cuddled into his arms. The sun bleed into the room through the opened window, the sound of cars and bustling city people accompanying it.

"Jungkook, I'm still sore from last night, I don't think I could survive a round two."

"Aww come on, I'm a dark haired boy with a tragic past, every teenage girl's YA dream."

"It's a good thing I'm not a teenage girl-"

Jungkook lazily flexed his arm so that Jimin's head, which had been resting on it, leaned into his lips. Jimin let the words slip off his tongue as he melted into the kiss before lightly punching Jungkook's uninjured shoulder as he realized what the younger boy was doing.

"You can't keep kissing me so I shut up-"

Jungkook shamelessly stole another kiss, cutting him off yet again.


"I kiss you because it's become my favorite thing to do. I love it." Jungkook grinned as the sheets fell off his frame. He pinned Jimin's wrists to the mattress as he straddled the blond boy underneath him. He smirked before pressing a light kiss on the bridge of Jimin's nose. "I like kissing you here." Then he kissed his cheek, just as fast and light as the one before, grinning like an idiot. Jimin wanted to tease him about that smile but he knew that'd be hypocritical - his own smile was just as wide and dumb.

"And here." Jungkook said, his voice dropping lower as he kissed underneath Jimin's chin and Jimin stretched his legs out at the touch. "And here," Jungkook kissed his collarbone and then his throat and then finally made his way up to the very edge of his lips. "But most of all, I like kissing you here," he said and Jungkook hummed in surprise when Jimin took the initiative to lean up and connect their lips. He could feel Jungkook's lips spread into a smile against his own and a round two probably would have happened if it wasn't for the sound of a key opening the front door or Jimin's apartment.

Jimin's eyes shoot wide open at the sound and he instinctively pushed Jungkook away with one big, panicked, whoosh Jungkook fell to the ground with a thud.

"Shit shit shit." Jimin stumbled to the side of the bed and reached for his phone, the swearing increased as he scrolled through the messages.

"Get under the bed." Jimin said as he hastily slid on a pair of boxers.

"Jimin, there are monsters under there."

"Tae's home." Jimin said as if that was enough to convince Jungkook to slide under his bed - it wasn't. They both glared at each other as Taehyung's deep voice rapped the opening lines of BTS's UGH in a sleepy and half aware voice, the sound matching the beat of his footsteps.

"If you don't get under that bed right now I'm never having sex with you again." Jimin threatened, but the effect was softened by his deep blush. Jungkook, being the good boy he was and definitely with no self interest involved what so ever, finally shimmied under Jimin's bed anyway, flinching as the movement placed pressure on his still fresh injuries. As he moved under the bed, his elbow hit the side of a black shoe box, nudging it as he shuffled in just in time for Jimin's perfectly timed roommate to appear at the door.

"Chesus Jiminie." Kim Taehyung mumbled, sauntering into Jimin's room like it was his own. He had dark bags under his eyes and he moved like his body was full of cement. "I haven't partied that hard since...mmmm maybe Busan?" Taehyung smiled fondly, "I remember Busan, you," Taehyung chuckled and then abruptly stopped, his hand going to his head as if to remind himself that laughing would hurt for a while. "Do you remember the body shots? I remember the body shots, Seokjin would have died if he saw where you drank off that one stripper-"

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