Pretty Boys Play With Pretty Dolls

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When the engine of Jieun's ride faded into nothing more than a whisper, both Jimin and Jungkook had yet to move. The beautiful brown haired boy pressed the back of his hand to his lips as he rested his elbows on his knees, back still against the wall. His golden flaked eyes were staring at the blades of grass that brushed against his feet. Jimin was surprised; Jungkook was disheveled, muscles tense, jaw set, but his eyes were clear of tears. Not that Jimin expected Jungkook to cry, but with Jimin feeling hot tears press against his own eyes, it fascinated him that Jungkook was so dry eyed.

Jimin swallowed, the distance between them was no less than five feet and yet Jimin felt like it was miles.

"Jungkook, who was she?" Jimin asked. His voice was steady, like the question was nothing out of the ordinary. Jungkook looked up then.

"She-" Jungkook stopped, frowning at the shake in his voice. He poked at something in the ground, his brows furrowing as he shook his head. He licked his bottom lip in one frustrated sweep then tried again. "Jimin," Jungkook said, hissing through his front teeth pained, as he tore at the grass more forcefully. He had to even his breathing for a moment, as if he was fighting every single nerve in his body for self control, "I'm sorry, I - I can't."

"That's bull." Jimin said, taking a step back. He felt his heart racing in his chest, the pouding deafening to his own ears. A moment ago he had fallen asleep on this boy - had laughed with him. A moment ago when goosebumps kissed Jimin's skin, it was Jungkook's warmth he thought of first. As Jimin stared at Jungkook now, he felt nothing but cold. "You - You know that's bull. Is she an ex? Or - or is she -" Jimin couldn't bring himself to say exactly what she was. As if keeping the words to himself could somehow stop them from being true. Is she your girlfriend?

He bit his lip. For some reason, Jimin couldn't imagine it; maybe that was his own disappointment speaking, maybe it was something more. She was beautiful, in a way violent waves crashing against the beach might be beautiful. Jimin couldn't deny that. But when she had walked away Jimin noticed that there was no real amusement in her small face - only a darkness that caused Jimin to shiver. Jimin's chest felt tight. He had no right to feel so betrayed, it's not like Jungkook and himself were dating; they never officially stated what they were to each other. But somehow, somehow Jimin thought maybe they were on their way.

"Have you been messing with me this whole time?" Jimin managed to ask, wrapping his hands around himself tightly. It was hard, forcing the words out of his throat. Painful, even.

He thought of Jungkook's amused smile as Jimin struggled to open his own door; Jungkook smirking as he leaned against the metal beams of his construction site, grinning because he knew he looked hot; Jungkook who hugged his arms around Jimin's immobilized body while a storm waged above them, whispering kind words to cut through Jimin's fear; Jungkook who unironically owned a Kylo Ren blanket; Jungkook who didn't actually like lemonade but drank it anyway; Jungkook who brought a sandwich with and without crust because he wasn't sure which one Jimin liked; Jungkook who's touch made Jimin feel like he was the most fascinating person in the world, a single touch that'd burn on Jimin's skin for days. He thought of that Jungkook and wondered, wondered if he had made him up. This entire time, was it possible Jimin misunderstood so drastically?

"Because-," Jimin croaked out, his lungs felt like boulders filled them instead of air. Jimin formed his little hands into even littler fists and dug his nails into his palms; he refused to cry, "- if you were just messing with me this entire time, that'd be a really cruel joke, Kook."

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