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Jin pushed around a cart as he followed Jimin around the boy gathering various baking supplies. He dropped in a few snacks for himself making Jimin roll his eyes and scold him because he would be too full to eat his cupcakes.

"I can't help it I'm hungry now and if I go to the store hungry I buy food" Jin said shrugging his shoulders as Jimin shook his head and kept dragging him around the store.

Once they finally paid Jin of course had to carry nearly all of the bags while Jiminie had just one and that bag was full of the eggs. "Let's hurry" he said not wanting to have a billion things bust out of the bags.

Jimin nodded walking ahead of him and swinging the eggs without a care in the world. "You're insane" Jin chuckled and shook his head.

"And you're a meanie" Jimin smartly replied and kept walking ahead of him.

"Can you just stop being mad at me?" Jin asked catching up to him and staring down at the omega who instinctively looked down. "I'm not mad" he said quietly.

"Then why have you been giving me the cold shoulder?" Jin asked exhausted from having to play games with the boy. "I don't know" he mumbled.

"Jimin I fucking love you and yes I probably shouldn't have raised my voice but it's been a month" he said tiredly as he sat down on the curb. Jimin sat down beside him so that their legs were pressed right up together. "Do you really love me?" He asked softly.

"Yes I really love you" he told him as he turned his head and almost pouted. Jimin tried to hide his tiny grin by looking down "I love you too" he said pressing his forehead against Jins shoulder "now let's go and bake this cake" Jimin said standing up quickly and rushing off to the house with Jin following behind shouting "so does that mean you forgive me?!"


Jungkook tiredly sat on a stool next to Taehyung leaning against his shoulder as the two of them watched Jin and Jimin bake a cake. "Tae I don't feel like an omega" he told him quietly "I just have the reproductive parts for it"

Taehyung nodded and kissed his temple staying silent as he watched their other mates share a sugary kiss. "So you won't ever be the only beta. I know that must scare you" he whispered kissing his cheek as the older beta was still quiet. "Please say something" he murmured.

Tae turned and looked at the boy and pecked his lips tenderly "I have loved you since I met you I wouldn't care if you turned out to be anything just as long as you are still you" he told him pecking his nose "but I'm not scared I'm rather sad. When and if we ever get to the point of having pups my swimmers don't even stand a chance against alpha swimmers. I'll probably never have kids"

Jungkook pouted and leaned closer kissing his cheek. "I guess I won't let any alpha touch me when we do have pups just you" he grinned playfully and bit his lip before pulling Taehyung into his chest and holding him like a baby.

"Hey hey guys Joonie wants everyone in the living room" Yoongi said bouncing into the room and running right back out. They all shared a shrug and left seeing the alpha standing in the center of their sectional.

"Please sit" he commanded pointing to the multiple seats scattered about. They all sat down laying around and snuggling. Hoseok was even out of the loop as he sat on the floor in front of Yoongi and let the omega play with his hair.

"Yes?" He asked confused.

"So I've been thinking" he said pacing around as he chewed on his thumb. "We've been living together not that long like it will be six months in two days, but I do love all of you equally. Hoseok and I are even mated already and I was thinking that maybe, if you want to, we could become officially mates. What do you think?" He asked rambling as he opened a drawer and started organizing stuff to keep his awkwardness at bay.

Jimin started giggling "Joonie you're so cute" he cooed and the alpha huffed blowing the hair out of his face.

"I don't know about anyone else but I have an open spot here" Jungkook said pointed to one side of his neck. "Me too" Taehyung grinned happily.

"Would you want to mate us?" Yoongi asked Hoseok who turned around and nodded. "And Tae and Kook and Jin" he added.

Jungkook grinned and nodded a bit excited he had never marked anyone other that Taehyung and the other him. It didn't officially do anything but to them it was special. The bites could be placed anywhere and still be valid which was why Tae thought it was funny to bite his ass.

"So I can call my mom and say it's official?" Jimin asked squealing.

"Not yet it's not even been done yet" Namjoon laughed a lot less nervous. Jin smiled at the alpha "come over here and make it official then" he teased watching Namjoon raise an eyebrow and walk over.

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