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Jimin laid in bed sulking when he looked up seeing Hoseok walk in. He pouted deeply "what?" He asked grumpily turning back around to hold his pillow and continue to stare outside.

Hoseok sighed and laid down beside him wrapping an arm around him. "Just wanted to see you" he murmured kissing his jaw. "Is that ok?" He asked playing with his hair as he cuddled the grumpy omega.

"I guess but if you're here to lecture me please don't. I've had enough" he said tiredly. "It's ok I'm just here to cuddle you doll" he told him closing his eyes peacefully.

Jimin turned around to face him swinging a leg over his hip and hugging him. "Do you love me?" He asked blankly.

"Of course I do" he murmured into the omegas ear giving him a mushy cheek kiss.

Jimin scrunched up his nose a bit and giggled "does Taehyung love me?" He asked quietly as his laughter died down. It was still light outside and the sunshine had lit up their faces as Hoseok kissed his cheek again.

"I can't speak for him but he really wanted to come in here and was too scared too because he thought you were mad at him so he sent me in here to ask if he could come in" Hoseok informed him as he held his waist.

"Really? Am I that bad of an omega?" He asked him quietly as he stared at the dust that drifted through the house being lit up by the sun. "You're not a bad omega. You just adapted to a situation" he told him.

"Can you send TaeTae in here?" He asked with pouty bottom lip.

"Of course honey" he said kissing his forehead and getting off the bed. He walked over to where the beta was sitting in the hallway. "You can go in sweetheart" he said kissing his head before walking down the hallway to go cuddle Jin.

Taehyung awkwardly shuffled into the omegas room they had and stood there as Jimin sat on the edge of the mattress staring at Tae. The omega had pouty lips as he made tiny grabby hands at the beta "TaeTae" he called softly wanting the beta to come comfort him even though he was the one in the wrong.

Taehyung walked over looking down at the smaller male frowning as well with his signature pout that could melt anyone. "You keep hurting my feelings a lot" he told him watching the omega huff in distress and hug himself.

"I know" he whined "I'm sorry"

"Saying you're sorry tells me that you know it's wrong. But it also tells me that you don't care because you keep doing it. I can't help that I'm a beta. It's hard to accept myself but the people who are supposed to love me unconditionally keep making me feel like I'm crap" he told him calmly.

"I'm sorry TaeTae" he said leaning forward and pulling the betas shirt making him take a step forward so he could hug him. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I'll try to never hurt you again" he told him rubbing his nose in his shirt for comfort.

Taehyung took a deep breath and nodded gently placing a hand on Jimin's shoulder "Namjoon told me you didn't used to be super bratty. He told me you had a bad relationship and you just changed"

Jimin nodded tightening his grip on the beta "it's not an excuse since it happened so long ago I know" he sniffled.

"I didn't mean it like that Jim I mean if you're comfortable I would like you to tell me what happened because it would make me feel a little less shitty" he asked him.

Jimin sat back a little and looked at the ground between their feet "um he was an alpha, giant dude like super buff and tall. He could squash Joonie with just an arm type of giant. I used to be sweet but pretty open about my opinion respectfully, but he hated that I disagreed with him and would threaten me and manipulate me into being too scared to leave. He made me be silent and once I left him with the help of Joon I just decided to say fuck it and I've always said what's on my mind because I'm never letting anyone else silence me"

"You know I'm not trying to silence you right? I would never want to do that to you" he told him "but being brutally honest and basically saying I'm useless sucks"

"I don't ever mean it like that" Jimin said "but I promise to choose my words more carefully because I don't want you to leave" he said "you're not leaving right?" He asked.

"No" the beta said trailing his fingertips down his cheek. Jimin leaned into his touch "I love you" he said closing his eyes as the beta traced his features with a feather light touch.

"I love you most" the beta said bending down and pecking his lips causing a tiny smile to grace the omegas lips. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked and Taehyung nodded honestly. "But give it time and I'll be back to normal"

Jimin pouted playing with his fingers "you could always do what Joonie does..." he mumbled.

"And what does Joonie do?" He asked confused.

"Spankings and sometimes blowjobs where everyone in the house can see" he said shrugging neither one of them bothered him too much though sometimes embarrassment did.

The beta had never really ever been exposed to some of these elements but if Jimin was alright with them he would follow through. He gently carded his fingers through his hair "how many spankings do you think you should get? And how many blowjobs do you think I should get?" He asked.

"Um only like 6 and I think you can have as many as you'd like" Jimin told him with a grin trying to be cute.

Taehyung sat on the bed and patted his lap "let's do 6 then" he said as the omega crawled across him and held onto his thigh closing his eyes.

Taehyung rubbed his hand over his clothed bottom. He wasn't going to make them hurt. He wouldn't even be able to with his pants on and a bare hand.

Taehyung raised his hand and spanked him once eliciting a small gasp from the boy who's bottom only slightly stung. He was much more gentler than Joon. "Are you ok?" He asked and the omega nodded "keep going" he said and so the beta did finishing all six only living his bottom a bit red and irritated.

The beta pulled him up into a hug and kissed his lips. "You did good" he said and the omega nodded snuggling into him "are you still mad?" He asked. "Nope" he answered hugging him tightly.

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