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Jungkook immediately stood up taking steps back. He has heard of aggressively angry alphas before and he would rather not be disemboweled. His eyes didn't leave the alphas "I'm sorry" he squeaked out his knees shaking a bit.

Namjoon's cold glare went to Jimin. "Did he hurt you?" He asked still worried about his mate even after knowing he cheated on him. Jimin shook his head and tried to hide behind Yoongi who was looking at the beta and alpha with wide eyes. He couldn't bring himself to be that upset but he knew it was different for alphas.

"You fuck my omega while the other one is hurt. Did you take advantage of him?" Namjoon asked still seated but his hands were clutching his knees trying to calm himself.

Jungkook shook his head softly holding his arms. "I started it," Jimin said meekly behind Yoongi. Namjoon nodded looking down on towards the floor taking a deep breath. Namjoon suddenly stood and walked towards the beta grabbing his upper arm taking him outside the room and down the hallway.

"I'm sorry please don't hurt me" he cried out but let the alpha continue to drag him down an empty hallway and into a bathroom where he shut and locked the door.

Namjoon let go of him and took a deep breath. Jungkook was less scared of him now watching how his muscles relaxed under his shirt. He probably just wanted to talk in private.

"I'm sorry I don't know how it happened," he said looking up at the alpha scared a little bit. He gasped softly when his back hit the cold wall of the bathroom and when his large hands trapped him there as he peered down at him not saying anything. Jungkook visibly gulped and looked up their noses inches from touching.

"What," he asked his voice barely above a whisper as his hands clasped and unclasped anxiously. He wasn't afraid of him he didn't look aggressive and he had never hurt him before.

Namjoon stared at him hard a moment more before taking one deep breath and leaning in kissing him hard. Jungkook's lip smashed against his tooth rather hard and he barely had a chance to yelp before he was being kissed hard but that didn't stop him from kissing back because it felt so natural like he should have been kissing him all his life.

His hands went up into Namjoon's hair pulling on it hard. The alpha reacting by biting his lip and tugging it before picking him up against the wall.

Jungkook wrapped his feet around his waist as his back pressed against the wall. His hands went around the alphas face cupping his cheeks as he was now taller than him being picked up. His breathing was labored as he tilted his head back getting a fresh breath of the cold hospital air.

He panted as he felt the alphas butterfly light kisses being placed across his neck. "You're an idiot" the older muttered his hands holding his thighs squeezing them. "You're stupid" Jungkook replied back as he kept his eyes closed leaning his head back as Namjoon ground his hips into him.

"If anyone was going to fuck anyone first it should have been me," he said his hands going to the front of his sweatpants his fingers skimming along his waistband. "You should have asked politely" Jungkook replied moving his hips against Namjoon.

The alpha smirked a bit and stuck his hand down the back of his pants groping his bare ass. The beta sucked in a breath as he looked down at the alpha who had both hands down the back of his pants. One of them gripping him to keep him from sliding down the wall and the other exploring. Namjoon's eyes watching Jungkook's every reaction to every move he makes as he circles his rim.

"We don't have lube," Jungkook said knowing he couldn't produce as much slick as omegas. He could barely produce it at all. Namjoon reaches into the inside of his coat pulling out a condom and lube packet. "Who the fuck just carries that around?" He blurted out taking the packages.

"Well, wouldn't you if you were surrounded by hot omegas?" He asked as if it were obvious. He was right. He had a point. Jungkook opened the packet of lube squeezing some of it onto Namjoon's hand flinching at the cold jell.

"Sensitive" Namjoon chuckled receiving a glare from the younger. The beta thought of Hoseok and Jin and Tae feeling guilty as a soft moan slipped through his lips as Namjoon's finger easily slid in making him suddenly feel really good. He bit his lip to keep quiet since they were in a bathroom.

"Wait," Jungkook said softly and Namjoon's hand immediately stopped moving. "Did I hurt you?" He asked immediately looking at him in concern. Jungkook shook his head softly and leaned his head down to rest on his chest. "I feet like a really shitty mate" he whispered. He had been touched by two different people in only a few hours.

Namjoon pulled his fingers out pulling up his pants and hugging the beta. "You're not. This was my fault" Namjoon said rubbing his back as he gently pulled him away from the wall and walking them over to the sink where he sat the beta down and he washed his hands.

Jungkook suddenly felt his eyes well up with tears and he rubbed his eyes harshly. "I'm sorry" he whispered choking up. "I didn't mean to ruin this," he said softly noticing the obviously hard bulge in his pants.

"That is fine. What matters is that you're comfortable. I wouldn't want to make you do something you didn't want" the alpha said walking over to him and cupping his cheeks and looking at him. "And you're not a terrible mate. I can see that you love them dearly and I got to admit I'm rather jealous that I didn't meet you first" he admitted to the beta who's mouth parted open softly in shock.

He nodded softly taking that in and hugged the alpha. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. "I think we need to talk" Hoseok's voice came from behind the bathroom door.

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